1) It's kinda hard to know where to begin with this one....!
I'm struggling to decide between
I Am Legend and
Man On Fire. I think in the end I'll go with....
Man On Fire
Filmed twice, and each time they chickened out. I don't want to say too much in case I ruin the book for someone who hasnt read it yet, but it isnt budget reasons or whether the book is 'filmable' or not that's ruined each attempt to film this book. It's about having the
balls to tell a tough story properly without having a soppy ending tacked on by cowardly studio execs.
The Prestige springs instantly to mind.
The film is largely faithful to the plot of the main story arc, but truncates the story a little by dropping the modern-day framing story. The film is a well paced and quixotic mixture of period Victorian murder mystery and Tesla-themed sci fi.
The book gives you a slower ride, but much mor detailed insights into the fascinating characters. I dont think it matters which one you read/watch first, but I think doing both is essential.
3) This is obviously the most agonizing of all the questions, becasue these types of adaptations are so thin on the ground.
I was thinking about going for
Serenity, because the special effects are better and the black assassin guy os so good, but then that made me think of the black bounty hunter from the last episode of Firefly and I think the entire season of Firefly is probably still better than Serenity.
So, that means I gonna go with my second choice...
John Carpnter's The Thing. Whether you consider it to be an original adaptation of Campbell's short story 'Who Goes There?' or a remake of 'The Thing From Another World' (and personally the jury is still out) I don't think anyone would dispute it's better than either one. Great acting, great pacing, terrrifc tension, and spectacular and memorable special effects that by and large are still impressive to this day (apart from the stop motion stuff at the end
