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Libby   11-18-2008, 06:56 PM
Gard Wrote:"Our Secret Handshake Is Better Than Your Secret Handshake!"

LOL!!! This is my favorite!:hand:

"Lord, what fools these mortals be"

"The opposite of war isn't peace; it's creation."

You'd think that Killing people would make them like you, but it doesn't! it just makes people dead.
KRW   11-18-2008, 08:50 PM
Kickers Kick Ass!

We also need a cup for us cowboys.... "Shit Kickers!"Big Grin
tehuti   12-01-2008, 03:50 PM
KICK it, before it kicks YOU.
Bluesman Mike Lindner   12-01-2008, 03:58 PM
tehuti Wrote:KICK it, before it kicks YOU.

Fine ah-deers all, but Ah still gotta go with just KICKERS with the Kicker Man symbol as the "I".
Peter   12-01-2008, 08:11 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Fine ah-deers all, but Ah still gotta go with just KICKERS with the Kicker Man symbol as the "I".

Yeah, I'd buy that as a T shirt. Thanks Mike
Bluesman Mike Lindner   12-01-2008, 08:16 PM
Peter Wrote:Yeah, I'd buy that as a T shirt. Thanks Mike

You're welcome, Peter, but I was thinkin', what would the =real= Kickers do? They wouldn't get too artsy. They'd want something simple and visually striking. And I'd buy it too!Confusedmilewinkgrin:
liquid   12-01-2008, 10:11 PM
I say skip the tag line completely. I'm picturing a black t-shirt with a big white Kicker Man or Septimus Lodge logo on the front.

I think if it was just the Kicker Man or logo by itself then more people would be curious about it and ask you what it is.
jacobm   12-02-2008, 03:13 PM
in honor of slogans from the past:

(Burger King) AFSO: Have it OUR way.
(Alka Seltzer) I can't believe I dissimilated the whole thing.
(AT&T) Reach out and dissimilate someone.
(Pt Barnum) The Original Greatest Show on Earth
(Bryll Cream) A little kick'll do ya!
(Dr. Pepper) I'm a Kicker, They're a Kicker, Wouldn't you Like to be a Kicker Too?
(Timex) Takes a Licking and keeps on Kicking!
(Heinz) AFSO 57 Varieties
(KFC) Finger-Kickin' Good!
(Taco Bell) Head for the Otherness
(Yellow Pages) Let your fingers do the kickin'
(US Government) In Rasalom We Trust

I'm sure there are a few copyright infringements here...sorry
Scott Miller   12-02-2008, 06:18 PM
jacobm Wrote:in honor of slogans from the past:

(Burger King) AFSO: Have it OUR way.
(Alka Seltzer) I can't believe I dissimilated the whole thing.
(AT&T) Reach out and dissimilate someone.
(Pt Barnum) The Original Greatest Show on Earth
(Bryll Cream) A little kick'll do ya!
(Dr. Pepper) I'm a Kicker, They're a Kicker, Wouldn't you Like to be a Kicker Too?
(Timex) Takes a Licking and keeps on Kicking!
(Heinz) AFSO 57 Varieties
(KFC) Finger-Kickin' Good!
(Taco Bell) Head for the Otherness
(Yellow Pages) Let your fingers do the kickin'
(US Government) In Rasalom We Trust

I'm sure there are a few copyright infringements here...sorry

Infringements...smingements. Those are good. I like the Alka-Seltzer one best.


Jesus died for your sins, get your money's worth. Chad Daniels
wdg3rd   12-02-2008, 11:11 PM
On the front of the shirt, just the Kicker Man. On the back of the shirt, Kick Me.

Ward Griffiths

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest". -- Denis Diderot
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