Schwinn160 Wrote:What shows are you watching now, or what shows are you waiting to come on this season?
I'm really excited for Supernatural to come back on, and Heroes is so close I can smell it. (needs a little deo) 
I am watching Eureka whenever I can catch it, and this new Fringe show sounds good, too!
What about you?
The final season of Smallville...I have loved this show in the past but have begun to hate it. It should have gone off the air 2 or 3 seasons ago but they keep on keeping on. The loyalist in me has too keep watching, so for this, the final season, I will be watching.
Heroes looks promising, the gang behind the scenes promises a better season that the interrupted last.
HOUSE returns soon and I LOVE that show so I will be glued. They moved the time slot again.
I suppose I will give Knight Rider a shot...simply for the nostalgia factor alone.
I am still on the fence about True Blood, but I am enjoying it enough to keep tuning in.
I don't watch as much television as I used to so its hard for me to say what I'll end up watching.