SE7EN is a movie directed by David Fincher, with two detectives investigating a series of ritualistic murders inspired by the seven deadly sins… never mind.
* * * Spoilers Galore * * *
for Secret Histories, Infernals, Bloodline and By the Sword
Occurrence of seven:
- The Septimus Lodge: septimus mean seven in Latin.
- The Septimus Lodge has a Council of Seven.
- In the Compendium, under the Q’qr man depiction there is a poem starting by “and the seven became one”.
- There are seven infernals.
- The pyramid found by Weezy has seven hieroglyphs.
We know that two cosmic beings play a cosmic chess game, with earth as a not very valuable pawn. There are rules in that game, one of them being (I think) that they can use who or what they find available for their purpose on that pawn. This is the way they found and used Glaecken and big bad R. The Dog Lady seems to be an independent local (earth linked) being.
That makes 3 players that we know of, two cosmic (one bad, one indifferent) and one local (good).
Could there be another player? the Otherness could have created the Q’qr using another player(s): the Seven. The Seven would thus be a local being, obviously bad (though you might have a different opinion, depending on your amount of oDNA), forced or lured or compacted by the otherness into Q’qr creatures. When the scientist-magicians of the First Age eradicated the female Q’qr, the male Q’qr mated with human women and diluted the Q’qr bloodline.
The Septimus encourages the Kicker movement while Glaecken is worried about seeing so many tainted in one place. The Kicker “evolution” is aimed at dissimilation, which can only mean dissimilation from the human race, with Jonah’s “barnyard breeding” aiming at begetting a baby with as much as oDNA as possible, i.e. a pure-blood Q’qr.
What use could be a pure-blood Q’qr (apart from making an addition to the Peabody Ozymandias Traveling Circus & Oddity Emporium)? Big bad R and the Septimus seem to relish the idea, and the Dog Lady thinks it might be good or bad. It could be:
- Big bad R would obviously sup on the terror and the havoc wreaked if Q’qr were to resurrect. And remember: at the end of Bloodline, when he finds Dawn on the Brooklyn Bridge and makes her enter in his car, he explain her that the doors have children security because he had to transport young passengers. Maybe Jonah fathered more oDNA triads and Big bad R found the children.
- The Seven would see it as a way to reverse the process, in order to free themselves
- The Dog Lady could hope that if the Seven freed themselves, they would fight the Otherness in order to avoid a remake.
Also, the seven infernals could have been created by the Seven.
What do you think?