Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Yeah. Tell you another strange experience with Mike Campbell. We were hanging in his Flushing place, listening to Katchaturian, sipping wine, shooting the shit. Mike gallantly left to help an old lady up the stairs with here groceries. So there I was, listening to the good sounds. From =nowhwere= dread--and I'm talking animal terror--came upon me. I tried to understand what was happening. I could only localize it to a corner of the room. Pure fucking evil was coming from it. I ain't a superhero by a long shot, but I like to think I can deal with most situations. I couldn't deal with this. "Michael--leave NOW or something very bad is going to happen." That's how I felt. I waited outside the door for Campbell to return. He saw me and said, "The left corner, right, Michael? You're not the first."
I once lived in a house. (sounds like the beginning to a bad story, I know) No one ever stayed a night there without some experience. My friends, either of my sisters friends, family, etc.) Except for my dad. He still thinks we're all nuts.

Maybe we were.....