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Bluesman Mike Lindner   08-17-2008, 10:41 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:And you know all about this Montauk "Monster" I suppose.

So tell me. How can this dead critter prevent people from taking photo's of it?So, tell us all about this critter. No. It's because you tell untruths so often that I no longer believe a thing you say.

Taken the title away from you have I?

Ken V.

If I thought for a moment you were really curious about the subject, I'd explain.

But of course, you're not.

You know =nothing= about cryptozoology, yet you blather on.

Tell yez, Gunny Ken, as far as weapons-grade blowhards go, you're the template.
Tony H   08-18-2008, 10:36 AM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:If I thought for a moment you were really curious about the subject, I'd explain.

But of course, you're not.

You know =nothing= about cryptozoology, yet you blather on.

Tell yez, Gunny Ken, as far as weapons-grade blowhards go, you're the template.

How do you know he knows nothing of cryptozoology? That is a brazen statement made about someone you know little to nothing of outside of what he has made public on this board.

However, on a related note, the masses seem to believe that it is indeed a raccoon. Jeff Corwin went on record indicating the beak we all see are actually canine teeth, and the front paws (hands) are definitely raccoon.

I am a huge fan of cryptozoolgy, the idea that there are things out there we have yet to set our eyes on intrigues me. (watch destination Truth on Sci-Fi, these guys do for creatures what the boys at Ghost Hunters do for spirits.)

This one incident definitely has a logical explanation IMHO. It's a big world out there, and we have only seen a small portion of it.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
Bluesman Mike Lindner   08-18-2008, 01:23 PM
AsMoral Wrote:How do you know he knows nothing of cryptozoology? That is a brazen statement made about someone you know little to nothing of outside of what he has made public on this board.

However, on a related note, the masses seem to believe that it is indeed a raccoon. Jeff Corwin went on record indicating the beak we all see are actually canine teeth, and the front paws (hands) are definitely raccoon.

I am a huge fan of cryptozoolgy, the idea that there are things out there we have yet to set our eyes on intrigues me. (watch destination Truth on Sci-Fi, these guys do for creatures what the boys at Ghost Hunters do for spirits.)

This one incident definitely has a logical explanation IMHO. It's a big world out there, and we have only seen a small portion of it.

C'mon, Tony. If Ken V. had clue one about cryptids, he wouldn't have shown the ignorant hostility he did. But the mighty gunny isn't interested in the facts. He delights in insulting me.
Ken Valentine   08-18-2008, 06:16 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:If I thought for a moment you were really curious about the subject, I'd explain.

But of course, you're not.

You know =nothing= about cryptozoology, yet you blather on.
The study of hidden animals? What does that have to do with some dead critter not allowing someone to take pictures of it? 'Splain that if you can.

Quote:Tell yez, Gunny Ken, as far as weapons-grade blowhards go, you're the template.
Coming from you, that's high praise indeed.

Ken V.
Ken Valentine   08-18-2008, 06:22 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:C'mon, Tony. If Ken V. had clue one about cryptids, he wouldn't have shown the ignorant hostility he did. But the mighty gunny isn't interested in the facts. He delights in insulting me.
You have yet to explain how a dead animal -- regardless of what kind of animal it is -- can interfere with someone taking photo's of it. Which is, after all, what your original statement was about.

You made an idiotic statement, and I called you on it.

Stop your jabbering and answer the question.

Ken V.
Bluesman Mike Lindner   08-18-2008, 06:59 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:You have yet to explain how a dead animal -- regardless of what kind of animal it is -- can interfere with someone taking photo's of it. Which is, after all, what your original statement was about.

You made an idiotic statement, and I called you on it.

Stop your jabbering and answer the question.

Ken V.

You'd know more about "idiotic statements" than anyone since Snake, Ken, but you do evince curiosity. Good first step!

I think large cryptids are not biological.

They come from the Undiscovered Country--the realm of UFOs, fairies, angels, and ghosts.

Know about the Black Dogs of the British Isles? There is no =doubt= they exist. And how about the "Water Horses" of Ireland? Same deal. Human testimony goes back through the ages. Frightened people went to the local priest when they saw one. And in Ireland back then, you did =not= lie to a priest. Not when you saw something you were afraid might have been from Satan's realm.

Fairies? Seen to this day. When I was 8, a lady from Ireland told me how she'd seen them in her parents' garden. She wasn't putting a child on. She was serious. I asked my foster-father about it. He told me, "We don't know everything yet, Mickey."

So these entities don't boast flesh. But somehow they can sometimes leave tracks and be photographed. Now how's that? If I knew, I'd be at home polishing my Nobel Prize speech.
This post was last modified: 08-18-2008, 07:04 PM by Bluesman Mike Lindner.
Ken Valentine   08-18-2008, 07:16 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:You'd know more about "idiotic statements" than anyone since Snake, Ken, but you do evince curiosity. Good first step!

I think large cryptids are not biological.

They come from the Undiscovered Country--the realm of UFOs, fairies, angels, and ghosts.

Know about the Black Dogs of the British Isles? There is no =doubt= they exist. And how about the "Water Horses" of Ireland? Same deal. Human testimony goes back through the ages. Frightened people went to the local priest when they saw one. And in Ireland back then, you did =not= lie to a priest. Not when you saw something you were afraid might have been from Satan's realm.

Fairies? Seen to this day. When I was 8, a lady from Ireland told me how she'd seen them in her parents' garden. She wasn't putting a child on. She was serious. I asked my foster-father about it. He told me, "We don't know everything yet, Mickey."

So these entities don't boast flesh. But somehow they can sometimes leave tracks and be photographed. Now how's that? If I knew, I'd be at home polishing my Nobel Prize speech.
In other words, this is all fever dreams and speculation.

I thought as much.

Ken V.
Bluesman Mike Lindner   08-18-2008, 07:19 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:In other words, this is all fever dreams and speculation.

I thought as much.

Ken V.

Know what, Ken? I can't disagree too hard. But the phenomena persist. See Charles Fort on this.
Ken Valentine   08-18-2008, 08:25 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Know what, Ken? I can't disagree too hard. But the phenomena persist. See Charles Fort on this.
Phenomena? Or legends?

Some people still claim that the Earth is flat too.

Ken V.
Bluesman Mike Lindner   08-18-2008, 08:56 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:Phenomena? Or legends?

Some people still claim that the Earth is flat too.

Ken V.

I've never met a Flat-Earther, but I'd certainly like to hear the rap.

What it comes down to is, you haven't yet experienced the true weirdness. I have. It really does change your views.

For example:

Back in 1969, my friend John Manno took photos (he was a professional photographer) of a "haunted house" called Clinton Court right here on West 46th Street. I was with him when he took the photos. We went back to his place on West 47th. I helped him develop the film. And, plain as day, there were faces on the negatives where no one was, when he took the shots. They were clearer when we made prints. I was with John every minute from the shoot to his darkroom when we developed the film. There was no monkey business. I give my oath on that.

In 1970, I was with my friend Mike Campbell in Flushing. We were listening to some tapes recorded at a Staten Island college for ESP tests he took. I raised my head to make a comment when this old-fashioned ironing board he had leaning against the wall flew--and I do mean FLEW--across to the opposite wall. So hard the folded-up bottom legs of the board dented the wall they hit. Neither of us was near that board.

So how do you figure?
This post was last modified: 08-18-2008, 09:21 PM by Bluesman Mike Lindner.
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