Silverfish Wrote:But what is with Jack? He's either got his tuque rolled up or something protruding from his head.
fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]Heard from the publisher: They're going with #2.[/SIZE]
webby Wrote:Kind of looks like a Watch Cap to me. Either way. . . .It does look like a rolled up tuque on his head. I bet that's exactly what it is.
fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]It was discovered that the sword on the original cover image was not a katana, so two new covers have been designed. Any preferences?[/SIZE]
Legion Wrote:Better yet, put jacks silohette (sp?) standing behind the samurai.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:That would be fine too, Legion. Hey! Johnny! Get dis guy a lager!
Legion Wrote:OH, and call me Steve. Goes for all of you. And dammit, now I want a beer. But I just checked the fridge right before reading this and I am fresh out. Damn damn damn.
Legion Wrote:Either way I am not diggin the new Jack pic. The head thing makes him look shorter, too.Both silhouettes are shown as looking up from from the ground, so to speak.
Quote:And What WAS in that briefcase??The original Jack silhouette looked to me as though he was wearing an overcoat, and had a suit case in his left hand.