I echo many of the sentiments already posted on what a fantastic story it is, about the wonderful characters created or more fully fleshed out and about the foreshadowing of events to come. I am surprised that no has mentioned his final sting against Brussard; it ranks as one his best fix-its IMO.
As someone who reads a lot of YA books, I can say that this should rope them in. One of the hallmarks of FPW's writing is his books are so fluid and easy to read that you don't realize that you're reading intelligent, complex stuff until after you begin to ponder what is was you just read; which is precisely what the YA's need.
XiaoYu Wrote:And I loved the character of Weezy too, like everyone else said. I've often found very few likable female characters in many novels. All too often authors make them whiny, weak and prissy, or try to make them so strong-willed they become unrealistic and cold. Or else just plain annoying. Weezy on the other hand was an amazingly enjoyable character, both realistic and endearing. Thanks FPW
Can't wait for the next one!
Very well said. I was just having a discussion about female bosses and IMO, I've had several that seem to think they need to be ultra-bitchy to maintain their positions in the men's club. The two best bosses I've had have been female so it is not an across the board type of situation.
Britfan Wrote:Best thing is it has got him reading more, he has read 2 Darren Shan Demonata books since finishing SH.
I read the first of each of his series, Cirque Du Freak and Demonata, and liked them(my son is reading Cirque Du Freak at the moment and has
Lord Loss waiting).