Susan Wrote:I'm DYING to see this movie!! I hope to see if this weekend. Whoever sees it first, please post your comments (no spoilers, please) here.
CNN gave it a great review:
Susan (huge Shyamalan fan)
I have seen this and found it a bit wanting. The payoff is unexpected and will generate some philosophical discussion. The brooding atmosphere remains just that as the reason for what the inhabitants encounter is shaky at best and nonsensical at worst.
There will be those who find this to be among Night's best (better?) work
but there are deeper issues he wishes to explore than in his previous films.
For myself, his first endeavor created an aura about him that may be diminishing somewhat; in much the same way as What's Love Got To Do With It did with/for Angela Bassett. You know, a film that comes along and cerments your reputation forever and somehow no matter how hard you try, you just can't sustain the energy or momentum or whatever you wish to call it. Everything that comes after, fails to live up to expectations.
I do enjoy Hurt very much as well as Phoenix. I did find Hurt much better in A.I. than here and although Phoenix was one solid and very effective scene, he'll always be Commodus to me.