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Ken Valentine   07-10-2007, 04:24 AM
WGB Wrote:Also I would like to know what the actual percentages are nation / world wide that make up the “most cops” that do not practice their shooting and just how they can do that and still qualify with the gun they carry.

I'm not concerned with world statistics, just with this country. I don't even know if world statistics are available. Or statistics for this country for that matter. As to how they can qualify, the answer is simple; the requirements are very low.

The second time I shot the Bonus Course -- with a 1911 auto loader -- I beat 97 percent of the LAPD. The guy standing in the firing position next to me was shooting Single Actions, and he beat 98 percent of the LAPD. I only beat 90 percent with Single Actions. YAC (Yer Average Cop) shoots at most around 500 rounds a year. I shoot that much in a week. Although I have friends who shoot around 2,000 rounds a week. Four times as much as I do. These days, I generally finish in the top 10-15 percent in competition. My eyes aren't what they used to be. I'm finding it considerably more difficult to hit thrown targets.

If you want another view of the subject, here's an article written by John Ross . . . author of UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES:

For what it's worth, his experience parallels mine.

Ken V.
This post was last modified: 07-10-2007, 04:37 AM by Ken Valentine.
Ken Valentine   07-10-2007, 04:33 AM
Silverfish Wrote:
Oh, Ken, looks like you've been shot down.

/ducking and running really fast Big Grin

WGB said; "Those comments do not accurately represent ANY of the officers or departments that I have ever been acquainted with."

In my reply, I simply related a few of my experiences. I wasn't intending it as a boast, it was a simple statement of fact.

Ken V.
Bruj   05-04-2008, 12:38 AM
im not a huge fan of 9mm. glock or not. i prefer something with a little more punch. hence, why i pack a .45 colt commander. sure, its only 7 blammos (if you have 1 round chambered), but thats more than enough for 1 or 2 incidents. as long as you have good aim that is..

i firmly believe that people who need a gun with more than a half dozen bullets, should go to a shooting range more often and practice their aim. =P

unless you are in the military or a cop i im just rambling. and bringing up old posts. im bored, what can i say? =P
Ken Valentine   05-04-2008, 07:23 PM
Bruj Wrote:im not a huge fan of 9mm. glock or not. i prefer something with a little more punch. hence, why i pack a .45 colt commander.

Compare the muzzle energy of a 125 grain 9mm from a Glock 17L (or a Beretta 92-FS) with the 230 grain bullet from a Colt Commander:

The 125 grain bullet from the Glock/Beretta has a muzzle velocity of 1100 FPS, which gives it a muzzle energy of 336 Foot/Pounds.

The 230 grain bullet fired from a Colt commander has a muzzle velocity of around 750 FPS, which gives it a muzzle energy of 287 Foot/Pounds.

In this situation, the 9mm has considerably more "punch."

Ballistically, the 9mm falls in between the 38 Special and the 357 Magnum.

Quote:sure, its only 7 blammos (if you have 1 round chambered),

You're talking about the Officers Model, not the Colt Commander. The Officers Model has a standard six-round magazine, which -- with a loaded chamber -- will give you seven shots.

The Colt Commander carries the standard seven-round 1911 magazine, which -- with a loaded chamber -- will give you eight shots.

There are also eight and ten round magazines available for the 1911/Commander.

Quote:but thats more than enough for 1 or 2 incidents. as long as you have good aim that is..

That depends on how many assailants there are doesn't it?

Quote:i firmly believe that people who need a gun with more than a half dozen bullets, should go to a shooting range more often and practice their aim. =P

That's good advice no matter what the cartridge capacity of one's firearm.

Quote:unless you are in the military or a cop i im just rambling. and bringing up old posts. im bored, what can i say? =P

A lot of practise is good advice ESPECIALLY if one happens to be a cop. Cops, as a rule, don't practise, and that's why the overwhelming majority of them are lousy shots.

Did I say lousy? When it comes to shooting, the overwhelming majority of cops stink to high heaven!

Ken V.
This post was last modified: 05-04-2008, 07:29 PM by Ken Valentine.
Libby   05-04-2008, 07:25 PM
My favorite kind of gun is the silver kind...Big Grin I don't know much about guns though. I'm from a quaker family.

"Lord, what fools these mortals be"

"The opposite of war isn't peace; it's creation."

You'd think that Killing people would make them like you, but it doesn't! it just makes people dead.
Ken Valentine   05-04-2008, 09:11 PM
Libby Wrote:My favorite kind of gun is the silver kind...Big Grin

I'm rather partial to chocolate myself.

Quote:I don't know much about guns though. I'm from a quaker family.

The Society of Friends -- good people!

In my family, Obadiah Valentine was a Private in the American Revolution, (New Jersey) Joseph S. C. Valentine was a corporal in the "Civil War", ("M" Company, Seventh Missouri Cavalry) my grandmothers brothers (Lloyd and Ralph) were in the trenches in France in World War I, my mother's father was in the Austro-Hungarian Army in World War I, (and spent a year and a half as a Prisoner of War in Russia) my father was (among many other serious injuries) blinded on Iwo Jima, and my youngest brother was a Sargent in the Army, (Mortars) he got a minor injury in Vietnam, for which he was offered a Purple Heart . . . he refused to accept it.

Ken V.
Libby   05-04-2008, 09:25 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:The Society of Friends -- good people!

In my family, Obadiah Valentine was a Private in the American Revolution, (New Jersey) Joseph S. C. Valentine was a corporal in the "Civil War", ("M" Company, Seventh Missouri Cavalry) my grandmothers brothers (Lloyd and Ralph) were in the trenches in France in World War I, my mother's father was in the Austro-Hungarian Army in World War I, (and spent a year and a half as a Prisoner of War in Russia) my father was (among many other serious injuries) blinded on Iwo Jima, and my youngest brother was a Sargent in the Army, (Mortars) he got a minor injury in Vietnam, for which he was offered a Purple Heart . . . he refused to accept it.

Ken V.

We have an arial navagater, a fire control officer on a destroyer, a General in the revolutionary war, some in the civil war, and some in the french and indian war. On my non-quaker mom's side, of course.Big Grin On my dad's side, the quarkers, many were part of the underground railroad. I am also desended from Mary Dier, among others.

"Lord, what fools these mortals be"

"The opposite of war isn't peace; it's creation."

You'd think that Killing people would make them like you, but it doesn't! it just makes people dead.
Ken Valentine   05-04-2008, 09:54 PM
Libby Wrote:On my dad's side, the quarkers, many were part of the underground railroad.

They were in good company. William Alonzo, and Polly Butler Hickock were also part of the underground railroad in Troy, Illinois. (They were the parents of James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickock.)

Quote: I am also desended from Mary Dier, among others.

That name sounds familiar. It brings to mind Early Boston, but I can't place it more closely than that. Who was Mary Dier?

Ken V.
Libby   05-04-2008, 10:02 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:That name sounds familiar. It brings to mind Early Boston, but I can't place it more closely than that. Who was Mary Dier?

Ken V.

Mary Dier was the first quaker, who was hanged for being different. She is a statue now. I have a problem with being a quaker, though. I agree with every thing they teach, with the exeption of two things. I do not worship any Gods, and I beleive in violence for people who deserve it or self defence.

"Lord, what fools these mortals be"

"The opposite of war isn't peace; it's creation."

You'd think that Killing people would make them like you, but it doesn't! it just makes people dead.
Bruj   05-05-2008, 02:48 AM
thx for the corrections. been on painkillers lately due to 2 herniated discs in my back. so my thinking has been a bit off lately. (not carrying while im on them though. lol)
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