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Question for the Glock gurus - fpw - 06-25-2007

[SIZE="3"]PM me so I can check out a theoretical injury to a Glock.[/SIZE]

Question for the Glock gurus - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 06-25-2007

fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]PM me so I can check out a theoretical injury to a Glock.[/SIZE]

I'm sure that's just for curiosity's sake, Paul. Certainly nobody in one of your wholesome tales would even =think= about carrying something as evil as a...what did you call it?...a Glook? Mercy! Leave =that= kind of action to Nora Roberts!

Question for the Glock gurus - Biggles - 06-25-2007

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:I'm sure that's just for curiosity's sake, Paul. Certainly nobody in one of your wholesome tales would even =think= about carrying something as evil as a...what did you call it?...a Glook? Mercy! Leave =that= kind of action to Nora Roberts!

Hey! What you callin' evil, dude?

Question for the Glock gurus - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 06-25-2007

Biggles Wrote:Hey! What you callin' evil, dude?

A Glook, you betcha! Something I've read about in Nora Roberts' matchless stories. Do they really exist? Yo, Judge, did you see my question about "fighting words?" What's yer verdict, Yer Honner?

Question for the Glock gurus - Biggles - 06-25-2007

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:A Glook, you betcha! Something I've read about in Nora Roberts' matchless stories. Do they really exist? Yo, Judge, did you see my question about "fighting words?" What's yer verdict, Yer Honner?

Can't say I know Jack about Glooks, but I've got two Glocks that I'm very close to, so mind your tongue when you talk about 'em. Smile

Question for the Glock gurus - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 06-25-2007

Biggles Wrote:Can't say I know Jack about Glooks, but I've got two Glocks that I'm very close to, so mind your tongue when you talk about 'em. Smile

I'm sure you keep your pair =really= close...:p But straight biz, Biggles: "fighting words." Clue me in as to what the law has to say. Could an insult be so harsh as to be construed as "assault?"

Question for the Glock gurus - Biggles - 06-26-2007

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:I'm sure you keep your pair =really= close...:p But straight biz, Biggles: "fighting words." Clue me in as to what the law has to say. Could an insult be so harsh as to be construed as "assault?"

Law varies from state to state. If you want a law professor's opinion (based upon common law) pm me with specifics. You should know that I can't advise you on NY law.

Question for the Glock gurus - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 06-26-2007

Biggles Wrote:Law varies from state to state. If you want a law professor's opinion (based upon common law) pm me with specifics. You should know that I can't advise you on NY law.

Nothing so serious, Biggles. I was just wondering if the law's evolved. I expect a frontier judge would look at the concept differently than say, a San Francisco judge today.

The first: "It's too bad you lost your eye, son, but you should have known better than to talk like that to Ken V."

The second: "There's an old saying, Mr. Valentine, 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.' A jury of your peers has found you guilty of assault. I sentence you to reading Bluesman Mike's posts for the next eight months." "N-O-O-O-!" Ken's lawyer: "We will appeal this, Your Honor! Surely your sentence is cruel and unusual punishment!"

Question for the Glock gurus - Biggles - 06-26-2007

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Nothing so serious, Biggles. I was just wondering if the law's evolved. I expect a frontier judge would look at the concept differently than say, a San Francisco judge today.

The first: "It's too bad you lost your eye, son, but you should have known better than to talk like that to Ken V."

The second: "There's an old saying, Mr. Valentine, 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.' A jury of your peers has found you guilty of assault. I sentence you to reading Bluesman Mike's posts for the next eight months." "N-O-O-O-!" Ken's lawyer: "We will appeal this, Your Honor! Surely your sentence is cruel and unusual punishment!"

Responding to mere words (fighting words or otherwise) with force is a dicey proposition. I recommend restraint in such matters. Force is normally justified only for the defense of person or property, not feelings.

Question for the Glock gurus - Susan - 06-27-2007

I don't know anything about guns except for what Ken and Lawdawg have taught me. LOL

However, I did have a freaky experience with the business end of a Glock once. I had this crazy Judo instructor who was also a cop. And one rainy day nobody showed up for class but me, so he decided to show me how to disarm someone with a gun. I was all excited because that sounded like fun.

But no fake guns for me! He brought his Glock, unloaded it in front of me and then pushed it against the back of my head. I protested and said that was probably not such a good idea even though it wasn't loaded, but he didn't listen and immediately got into his "bad guy" character and scared the poop out of me.

On the plus side, I learned how to disarm someone very quickly.
