I don't expect a lot from a novel. Or a movie. Or a televsion show. What I do expect is that they have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Especially an end.
The end is where you get to actually judge the author or creator. If they've written themself into a corner, you want to see how creatively they escape -- and you give them kudos when they do it well. Sometimes, you pick up a novel and it doesn't end at all, and you have to pick up the next novel in the series to see what happens next, and then that one doesn't end at all, and so on. Peter Hamilton is an author I now refuse to read for just that reason. David Gerrold, the same. Elizabeth Moon is fast approaching that distinction.
A television series that runs seven or eight years, then ANNOUNCES they are concluding the series on a specific night and clues in everyone that they shot three different endings so no one would know how it ends.....
...owes you an ending.
Instead, it just stopped.
Maybe the creators thought that was clever. I think it shows how non-creative, inane, and disrespectful they actually were. I don't know whether to blame just those creators or HBO in general.
It's a good lesson on how television is ultimately a waste of an individual's time. Maybe that is the moral of the story.
Oh. I forgot to explain BRJDDs. When I was young and something sucked really bad, we used to say it sucked big red juicy donkey (well, I'm sure you get the idea by now)...