ccosborne3 Wrote:I think it was written by a kid, maybe 15 or 16 years old.
He made some mistakes but his exuberance for the story more than makes up for them.
The only part that I find questionable is his references to "the other". How can anyone finish the six books and not have a firm concept of The Otherness? I can proudly state that my knowledge of The Otherness has eclipsed my knowledge of Catholicism. 
Kenji Wrote:What in the world is going on! Sunrise was five plus minutes late!
Hahaha! I've never seen "!" in Wikipedia!
I believe you're right about that, Kenji.
Even though the person who wrote the article seems to have a somewhat slippery grasp on the "facts", he or she certainly is a big fan. Heck, it's a positive review, for all its flaws, so that's all right. And yeah - it is sort of funny, too.