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outlanders   03-26-2007, 12:08 AM
You thought that last season's finale was impressive? It had NOTHING on this finale.

The first 40 minutes were about the trial, which I won't say anything about how it turns out, but holy christ - it looks like we know who four of the five final Cylons are, and it's a frakin' shocker.

And, the last few seconds - frak me!
I won't say anything else because I want you guys to see it.

I'll wait to see what others have to post before I give the spoilers. I was DAMNED impressed.

And, for those of you who don't already know, originally it was renewed for season 4, but 13 episodes. Just recently, it was bumped to the full 22 episodes.

ccosborne3   03-26-2007, 01:28 AM
I watched the first 4 episodes this year and I didn't like it all that much (really liked last year though). I'm not sure if it was the Iraq storyline or the non HD. Universal HD is broadcasting season 3 in HD. Since I went Hi def I've pretty much dropped all the non HD shows and channels.

I'll give it another shot.
Marc   03-26-2007, 10:19 AM
I thought this was probably one of the finest hours of television this year. The final episode of this season was exceptionally written, especially Captain Adama's speech in the courtroom. The reveal of the four new Cylon's and Kara's return was also handled well. (I KNEW we hadn't seen the last of her.) I actually felt bad for Baltar after he got off and was wandering the corridors aimlessly... unsure of what to do, scared for his life.
Keith the Elder   03-27-2007, 10:42 AM
Marc B. Wrote:I thought this was probably one of the finest hours of television this year. The final episode of this season was exceptionally written, especially Captain Adama's speech in the courtroom. The reveal of the four new Cylon's and Kara's return was also handled well. (I KNEW we hadn't seen the last of her.) I actually felt bad for Baltar after he got off and was wandering the corridors aimlessly... unsure of what to do, scared for his life.

I don't think the four on the Galactica are Cylons although Starbuck surely is.
Revealing the identities of any one of these 5 would not have produced the surprise and awe D'Anna experienced in the temple before she and her line were put into storage.

"Think for yourself and question authority" Leary

By the way, How are things in your town?
Auskar   03-27-2007, 06:53 PM
Marc B. Wrote:I thought this was probably one of the finest hours of television this year. The final episode of this season was exceptionally written, especially Captain Adama's speech in the courtroom. The reveal of the four new Cylon's and Kara's return was also handled well. (I KNEW we hadn't seen the last of her.) I actually felt bad for Baltar after he got off and was wandering the corridors aimlessly... unsure of what to do, scared for his life.
Basically, season three sucked except for that last episode. Apollo's speech on the stand was exceptional, and I couldn't resist reading advance spoilers of the season ending beforehand because I was so pissed about the entire Starbuck thing.

As for who are cylons and who are not -- it is interesting that there are supposed to be a final FIVE and the show only indicated four. So.... Starbuck being a cylon (as someone guessed in a post above), I don't think we can know that or not. The show's writers can change anything they want at any time, based on direction from the show's executives.

The next "season" doesn't begin for another nine months or so and only 13 episodes have been ordered by the SciFi network.
Marc   03-27-2007, 06:59 PM
Auskar Wrote:The next "season" doesn't begin for another nine months or so and only 13 episodes have been ordered by the SciFi network.

Actually it was upped to 22 a few days ago.
DaveStrorm   03-27-2007, 07:07 PM
Auskar Wrote:Basically, season three sucked except for that last episode. Apollo's speech on the stand was exceptional, and I couldn't resist reading advance spoilers of the season ending beforehand because I was so pissed about the entire Starbuck thing.

As for who are cylons and who are not -- it is interesting that there are supposed to be a final FIVE and the show only indicated four. So.... Starbuck being a cylon (as someone guessed in a post above), I don't think we can know that or not. The show's writers can change anything they want at any time, based on direction from the show's executives.

The next "season" doesn't begin for another nine months or so and only 13 episodes have been ordered by the SciFi network.

I wouldn't go as far as saying this past season sucked but I sure didn't think it was as compelling as the previous 2 seasons. I'd say I liked maybe half of the episodes this season and the rest were boring filler.

Yeah, the Apollo speech on the stand was good. I have no idea whether any of those 4 (or Starbuck) are cylons but the previews to the finale sure implied we would learn who the final 5 were. So if it's not those 5, then either I missed clues telling me who the final 5 actually are or SciFi didn't deliver. Either way, I'll be waiting on next season for about 9 months.

On the news section of the show on there is an entry dated 3/22 that says they've ordered 22 hour-long episodes for next year which includes a special 2-hour extended event to air during 4th quarter 2007. And that production will resume in May with the next season starting early in 2008.
Mike Hanson   03-28-2007, 01:50 PM
DaveStrorm Wrote:...but I sure didn't think it was as compelling as the
previous 2 seasons. I'd say I liked maybe half of the
episodes this season and the rest were boring filler...

While this sentiment seems to be expressed by a lot of folks at and, I actually applaud producer/head
writer Ron Moore for deciding NOT to make Season III a
space-battle-of-the-week tv show. While I'm sure the Sci-Fi
Channel's budget constraints definitely played a part in his
script/plot decisions, Ron decided to focus this past season on
the daily lives of the characters, and the humans in the slowly
disintigrating space fleet. In fact, having the Cylon Fleet appear
as many times as it already has stretches humanity's survival
well beyond credulity and probability (but hey, it's a tv show
and you just know the good guys gotta win).

So you got sick of the same old BSG Hallway, crew quarters,
Op-Center, and Flight Deck sets/shots? Good. Imagine the
characters feeling that same sense of confinement and tedium
and imagine the mindsets and lives they are living day to
day...a purely "artificial" life with hope and sanity and morality
and the rule of law slowly slipping away...

I'm particularly proud of Moore for not introducing a plethora
of alien races to the BSG Universe (actually, just the Milky
Way)...though I suspect that head-Caprica and head-Baltar
are an alien race that exist on a different dimensional plane
than mankind...

Will be fun to see how they resolve all these variant plotlines
next season.
DaveStrorm   03-28-2007, 03:32 PM
Mike Hanson Wrote:While this sentiment seems to be expressed by a lot of folks at and, I actually applaud producer/head writer Ron Moore for deciding NOT to make Season III a space-battle-of-the-week tv show.

I don't need it to be a space-battle-of-the-week show. For example, I really liked the episode where D'Anna kept killing herself.

Mike Hanson Wrote:So you got sick of the same old BSG Hallway, crew quarters,

Op-Center, and Flight Deck sets/shots? Good. Imagine the characters feeling that same sense of confinement and tedium and imagine the mindsets and lives they are living day to
day...a purely "artificial" life with hope and sanity and morality and the rule of law slowly slipping away...

Yes, I did get sick of that. Big Grin Well not seeing the same sets. What was happening on them. The episode where Chief and Cally were stuck in that bay and were going to run out of air . . . boring. But hey that's just me. I still really like the show - I just thought it was less compelling this year.

Mike Hanson Wrote:Will be fun to see how they resolve all these variant plotlines next season.

This post was last modified: 03-28-2007, 03:36 PM by DaveStrorm.
The Mad American   03-29-2007, 10:53 AM
Keith the Elder Wrote:I don't think the four on the Galactica are Cylons although Starbuck surely is.
Revealing the identities of any one of these 5 would not have produced the surprise and awe D'Anna experienced in the temple before she and her line were put into storage.

I had always been of the opinion that Col. Tighe was going to be a cylon when it all played out. He was just too good of a plant not to be. I also have thought there is a high probability that the President is a cylon but am not as sold on that idea as I was on the Tighe one(think about it, why would the baby Heras blood cure her cancer? Maybe because it was the cylon part of Hera correcting whatever had gone wrong with that model...I don't

The Starbuck storyline could play out to be very interesting because of all the seeds they laid with her being a seer or something as far as finding Earth. Her being some sort of cylon rogue or something I could see.

If you think about it, out of the 4 cylons they supposedly revealed only two are really major players, Chief and Tighe and if Chief is indeed a cylon then that means there are two half cylon/half human babies around. So with 2 of the 4 it would be easy to write them into the cylon side of things but with Tighe and Chief its going to be interesting.

And am I the only one who was in disbeleif that we have to wair until 2008 for any new episodes? Holy shyte thats a long break for a show.

"No other success can compensate for failure in the home." D.O. McKay

"Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
~ Red Buttons

Too literal? I'm sorry you feel I have a Literal Agenda!

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