KRW Wrote:Admire you for that Mike.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Thank you, Ken, but I really had no choice. The gig was warping my head out of shape. And that can't be good. There was an upside in the new job too. I think I've posted this before, but the truth cannot be spoken too often or too loudly.I find myself the Pride of Humanity now. How so, you might ask? Well, it's easy:
What is the Pride of Humanity?
We can think.
How do we store our thoughts?
We store them in books.
And what's the pride of the bookselling tribe?
Barnes&Noble, natch.
What's the finest B&N?
Lincoln Triangle, right here in New York.
And what's that store known for?
Performing Arts.
And whose been in charge of that section for the past ten years?
Bluesman Mike Lindner
So therefore, by Vulcan Logic, Bluesman Mike is the Pride of Humanity!
KRW Wrote:Until you are assimilated by the "Borg"!![]()
Still, it's not easy to choose a well paying job to be happy again. I know, I've done it.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Yeah, it was a stone drag. Sweet coin is always hard to say goodbye to... Still, a man's gotta do...![]()
The Borg? No risk. I'd scramble their hellish network. (Or so I like to flatter myself...) But my songwriting partner is named John Borg. Master musician. If you'd like to hear a couple of our efforts, Ken, just give me your mailing address and I'll burn a copy for you. Kenji and RIK thought they weren't too bad.
KRW Wrote:Thanks Mike, I may take you up on this.
tooleman Wrote:Hey Mike and KRW I’d like to add my 2¢: First Bluesman I’m in the same boat as you, I’ve been employed by the same company for 29 years; unlike yourself I enjoy a love/hate relationship there. KRW, I’m eternally in your dept for advising me on the quality of a Cold Steel knife (the best). You guys are OK in my book! Hope to meet you both someday, I’m in AZ and don’t travel if I can help it, but I’d like to meet you guys.
In the words of J.R. Bean
“To Texas and Miss Lilly”
tooleman Wrote:Hey Mike and KRW I’d like to add my 2¢: First Bluesman I’m in the same boat as you, I’ve been employed by the same company for 29 years; unlike yourself I enjoy a love/hate relationship there. KRW, I’m eternally in your dept for advising me on the quality of a Cold Steel knife (the best). You guys are OK in my book! Hope to meet you both someday, I’m in AZ and don’t travel if I can help it, but I’d like to meet you guys.
In the words of J.R. Bean
“To Texas and Miss Lilly”
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Thank you, Ken, but I really had no choice. The gig was warping my head out of shape. And that can't be good. There was an upside in the new job too. I think I've posted this before, but the truth cannot be spoken too often or too loudly.I find myself the Pride of Humanity now. How so, you might ask? Well, it's easy:
What is the Pride of Humanity?
We can think.
How do we store our thoughts?
We store them in books.
And what's the pride of the bookselling tribe?
Barnes&Noble, natch.
What's the finest B&N?
Lincoln Triangle, right here in New York.
And what's that store known for?
Performing Arts.
And whose been in charge of that section for the past ten years?
Bluesman Mike Lindner
So therefore, by Vulcan Logic, Bluesman Mike is the Pride of Humanity!