Dave Wrote:This news made my day. After seeing Rome I have high hopes for this.Are the books that good? I saw them in the store the other day and my eyes lingered ..... I may have to read these before the show comes on.
HBO buy rights to George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series.
jimbow8 Wrote:Are the books that good? I saw them in the store the other day and my eyes lingered ..... I may have to read these before the show comes on.They are EXCELLENT!!
law dawg Wrote:They are EXCELLENT!!Yeah, have to agree with you there, Arya is brilliant, especially in Clash of Kings. Tyrion runs a close a second, and I have a soft spot for Jamie Lannister, they're both misunderstood.
Hey Dave, who is your fave character? Mine is Arya Stark and the her teacher Syrio (the Water Dancer).
Dave Wrote:Yeah, have to agree with you there, Arya is brilliant, especially in Clash of Kings. Tyrion runs a close a second, and I have a soft spot for Jamie Lannister, they're both misunderstood.I like Tyron as well. And Jamie is growing on me, especially with Brienne.
law dawg Wrote:SPOILER.....As much as he has a tendency to kill characters he only does it when it has major implications. The whole Brienne story would seem a bit pointless with the way it ended, so I think we'll see her back. In one form or another
I wonder what happened to her. What was the word she said as she was being hung? Did she die? (I'm betting not, although Martin has a habit of killing off characters.....)
law dawg Wrote:They are EXCELLENT!!
Hey Dave, who is your fave character? Mine is Arya Stark and the her teacher Syrio (the Water Dancer).
Dave Wrote:Can't remember the details of the hanging too well (read the book 18 months ago), so no idea about the word.It just says something like, as she was hanging (she didn't jerk and snap the neck obviously), "She screamed a word." I was wondering what it was....
The Mad American Wrote:Daenerys (sp?). I was so disappointed she wasn't in "Feast of Crows". But on the positive I guess that just means there will be a whole bunch of her in the next book.Yeah, supposedly the next book she is the main character. For me, though, she is my least fave.
Dave Wrote:Yeah, have to agree with you there, Arya is brilliant, especially in Clash of Kings. Tyrion runs a close a second, and I have a soft spot for Jamie Lannister, they're both misunderstood.