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Auskar   05-17-2007, 03:33 AM
As I remember the comics, Galactus normally did show up near the end of the book. I think they should have just called the movie, The Silver Surfer.

Did anyone see the Richard Gere movie, Breathless? Throughout the movie, the main character carried a Silver Surfer comic book around in his back pocket. I love that movie.
Dave F   06-16-2007, 09:26 AM
Kids loved it, but it just didn't do it for me

2 out of 5 if I am being very generous

Could be I am too much a fan of the comics - might be better if never seen a silver surfer / fantastic 4 comic


I hadn't read the galactus spoiler, was very dispointed with Galactus

Doctor Doom on the board with silver surfers powers Rolleyes

Human Torch making like the super skrull Rolleyes

Invisible girl looses clothes (again) Rolleyes

The big holes idea (borrowed from Nightworld?)

The artist formally known as Britfan
Mike Hanson   06-16-2007, 01:19 PM



I went in with high expectations.

I was very disappointed.

All the money is on the screen, and the special effects
are fine...but man...what a way to create an ultimately
illogical, contradictory, and downright stupid storyline.

Here are just a few spoilers, the first two silly nit-pic

* planet-sized close-ups of Sue Storm's face, ridiculously
revealing her fake blue contact lenses, which change color
from blue, to green, to purple depending on the lighting.
And don't get me started on the caucasian-pale-pancake
that is trowled onto her face and the circus clown amount
of eye-liner etc. caked around her peepers.

* and the silver surfer without his silvery powers...have you
ever seen a middle-aged drag queen without make-up and a
wig? big Big BIG miscalculation on his facial prostheses
at the end of the movie.

* and the essential character and the nature of the Silver
Surfer himself (itself). In the comic books he is a brave noble
character who sacrificed his soul to save his home planet
and his lover.

Here, he's apparently a cowardly schmuck who sacrificed
his freedom and his integrity to save his planet, but some
how, for some reason, FINALLY finds his missing testicles
by the end of the movie and commits an act of heroism
(that he has apparently been technically capable of for
many years but just too cowardly to commit to) that saves
the day, frees him from his horrific slavery, and saves the
lives and existence of millions of future worlds.

In the comic books the Surfer's powers are that of a flea
in comparison to his master Galactus, hence, why his
eventual betrayel of his master is such an act of hubris,
bravery, madness, and desparation.

In this movie, his ultimate act is inexplicable, implying that
throughout the death of 300 past worlds/civilizations, he
always had the power to destroy the mighty world-devourer,
and all it would have taken was the sacrifice of himself.

In short, the makers of FF-II have taken one of the coolest
characters in comic book history, and neutered his soul.
Nuff said.

Comic Book Geek stuff:

1) Cloud Galactus vs. Giant Humanoid Galactus - this
controversy has been raging on the internet for a year.
Suffice it to say I ultimately have no problem with
the current incarnation of the world-devourer, as
on-screen it/he looks very very scary.

2) Multi-powered Human Torch, obviously inspired by
the comic book storyline where Dr. Doom clones himself
(to create an heir) and infuses said offspring with the
power of all four of the fantastics, thus creating a
smackdown of graphic novel proportions.

3) The Fantasticar - Meh.

4) Cute almost inaudible verbal reference to GALAXY QUEST's
Beryllium sphere (something Reed needs to power an invention).

Mike out
This post was last modified: 06-16-2007, 01:30 PM by Mike Hanson.
Dave F   06-16-2007, 01:47 PM
Mike Hanson Wrote:**SPOILERS**



I went in with high expectations.

I was very disappointed.

All the money is on the screen, and the special effects
are fine...but man...what a way to create an ultimately
illogical, contradictory, and downright stupid storyline.

Here are just a few spoilers, the first two silly nit-pic

* planet-sized close-ups of Sue Storm's face, ridiculously
revealing her fake blue contact lenses, which change color
from blue, to green, to purple depending on the lighting.
And don't get me started on the caucasian-pale-pancake
that is trowled onto her face and the circus clown amount
of eye-liner etc. caked around her peepers.

* and the silver surfer without his silvery powers...have you
ever seen a middle-aged drag queen without make-up and a
wig? big Big BIG miscalculation on his facial prostheses
at the end of the movie.

* and the essential character and the nature of the Silver
Surfer himself (itself). In the comic books he is a brave noble
character who sacrificed his soul to save his home planet
and his lover.

Here, he's apparently a cowardly schmuck who sacrificed
his freedom and his integrity to save his planet, but some
how, for some reason, FINALLY finds his missing testicles
by the end of the movie and commits an act of heroism
(that he has apparently been technically capable of for
many years but just too cowardly to commit to) that saves
the day, frees him from his horrific slavery, and saves the
lives and existence of millions of future worlds.

In the comic books the Surfer's powers are that of a flea
in comparison to his master Galactus, hence, why his
eventual betrayel of his master is such an act of hubris,
bravery, madness, and desparation.

In this movie, his ultimate act is inexplicable, implying that
throughout the death of 300 past worlds/civilizations, he
always had the power to destroy the mighty world-devourer,
and all it would have taken was the sacrifice of himself.

In short, the makers of FF-II have taken one of the coolest
characters in comic book history, and neutered his soul.
Nuff said.

Comic Book Geek stuff:

1) Cloud Galactus vs. Giant Humanoid Galactus - this
controversy has been raging on the internet for a year.
Suffice it to say I ultimately have no problem with
the current incarnation of the world-devourer, as
on-screen it/he looks very very scary.

2) Multi-powered Human Torch, obviously inspired by
the comic book storyline where Dr. Doom clones himself
(to create an heir) and infuses said offspring with the
power of all four of the fantastics, thus creating a
smackdown of graphic novel proportions.

3) The Fantasticar - Meh.

4) Cute almost inaudible verbal reference to GALAXY QUEST's
Beryllium sphere (something Reed needs to power an invention).

Mike out

LOL - everything I felt - really was crap wasn't it

The only bit you missed was Dr Doom getting surfers powers by getting on the board - i hated that part

BTW downloaded RAZAR issue 2 - making my way through it at the moment

The artist formally known as Britfan
Mike Hanson   06-19-2007, 11:26 PM
Britfan Wrote:LOL - everything I felt - really was crap wasn't it
The only bit you missed was Dr Doom getting surfers powers by getting on the board - i hated that part
BTW downloaded RAZAR issue 2 - making my way through it at the moment

Yah. And the return of Doom's pretty-boy good looks. Funny
how advantageous the after-effects of a cosmic blast from
the SS can be (heals the scarred, gives much needed power
swapping abilities to super heroes, etc.).

Any feedback on Razar is appreciated.

The Mad American   06-21-2007, 10:56 AM
law dawg Wrote:It looked to suck great blocky nuts.

It did suck great blocky nuts. As a recovering comic book geek I was so disappointed by the first one that I wanted to find whoever made the decision to turn one of the greatest comic book villains ever (Dr. Doom, more so in his later 80s and 90s persona's but still.....) into one of the worst, most cliched, weak ass...I can't think of strong enough words to describe how bad he was villains, and stick a fork in their eye over and over and over.....

The Silver Surfer in this one almost drew me back in...almost that is until I started reading up on some of the reviews and plot lines of this movie. Now I know I must find the people responsible for these travesties and fork them...again and again and again.

"No other success can compensate for failure in the home." D.O. McKay

"Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
~ Red Buttons

Too literal? I'm sorry you feel I have a Literal Agenda!

saynomore   06-21-2007, 07:32 PM
I knew the movie would be bad. I knew the storyline was dumbed down for the kiddies, who made the first movie a hit. I knew Galactus would be a cloud.
BUT...I saw the movie hoping for a miracle. It didn't happen. Sad


P.S. Silver Surfer movie apparently slated for 2008.
Kenji   09-23-2007, 11:12 PM
Today finally I saw it in a theatre.

Hmm.....seems everybody hated it. But I thought it was cool. I've never read FF's comics, so I could see it without preconceived idea.

I'm looking forward to seeing part 3....if they make it.
Auskar   09-24-2007, 09:14 AM
Kenji Wrote:Today finally I saw it in a theatre. Hmm.....seems everybody hated it. But I thought it was cool. I've never read FF's comics, so I could see it without preconceived idea. I'm looking forward to seeing part 3....if they make it.
I still haven't seen it. I saw the first one and liked it when hardly anyone else did, so we'll see. I did read the comic books, but the Fantastic Four weren't my favorite superheroes, so if the studio messes around a bit, fine with me. But Dr. Doom is the one thing that doesn't need to be messed with. He was a great bad guy in the comics.
Bluesman Mike Lindner   09-24-2007, 09:20 AM
Auskar Wrote:I still haven't seen it. I saw the first one and liked it when hardly anyone else did, so we'll see. I did read the comic books, but the Fantastic Four weren't my favorite superheroes, so if the studio messes around a bit, fine with me. But Dr. Doom is the one thing that doesn't need to be messed with. He was a great bad guy in the comics.

Ah...Doom... I posted this before, and will do so again right now just 'cause I love it...
Doom (an unwilling ally of the FF against a monstrous alien):
Though I REEL from your mind-blasts, I still STAND! And while Doom stands...
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