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mattc_099   10-28-2006, 05:34 PM
So I just finished Nightworld, and a was just curious on a few things. Keep in mind that I've only read the 6 books of the Adversary Cycle, none of the other RJ novels yet. Also, I read the regular version of Nightworld, not the revised one, which for all I know may have changed things that apply to my questions.

First off, it was kind of sad that Jeffy still had his autism at the end of the book, I was hoping that somehow he would get healed again. Also, I loved the book but I feel that at the end there should have been more pages devoted to the aftermath or at least to the characters and their plans/feelings/etc., it just kind of stopped too quickly for me.

My main question is, now I had to stop a couple of times, because I was reading the book at work, so it is possible I may have missed something. But it seems to me that Rasalom is still very much alive somewhere, either buried deep in the earth or in another dimension, because he pretty much just fell after getting a few parts hacked off, which I also was slightly annoyed with, I mean I wanted him to be completely hacked and slashed apart...mutilated...very slowly. :p

Also, Glaeken is still immortal at the end of the book, if Rasalom was truly dead then Glaeken would have become mortal again like he did at the end of The Keep. So I guess the struggle is eternal, will go on between them forever? Because I'm sure with upcoming techology especially, if all it took was a clone in Rebirth being created for Rasalom to find a gateway back onto our plane of existence, then I'm pretty sure it would be quite easy to bring Rasalom back.

Which brings me to this - why does FPW refuse to do a post Nightworld book, there are so many possiblities here, I mean, even apart from Rasalom coming back, the whole idea that FPW could basically create his own new post-apocalypse world is quite intriquing. Like this quote right here from the last couple of pages of Nightworld.....

"A whole new mythology could rise out of this. A new round of sun worship, that's for sure. It'll be interesting to see what develops."

Seems to me that this idea is too interesting to be wasted. But hey that's just my opinion. So guys please enlighten me on these questions I've posed. Am I way off the mark on my ideas and questions? Did I miss something reading the book that would tell me that Rasalom is truly gone? Does anyone else feel depressed about Jeffy? Help! Big Grin
Dave F   10-28-2006, 06:05 PM
mattc_099 Wrote:Also, Glaeken is still immortal at the end of the book, if Rasalom was truly dead then Glaeken would have become mortal again like he did at the end of The Keep. So I guess the struggle is eternal, will go on between them forever? Because I'm sure with upcoming techology especially, if all it took was a clone in Rebirth being created for Rasalom to find a gateway back onto our plane of existence, then I'm pretty sure it would be quite easy to bring Rasalom back.

I also have only read the original nightworld, so I can't say what the changes might be in the new one

But re the fact Glaeken is still imortal - presumably the Ally has learned a lesson. The struggle between ally & otherness is presumably eternal - I assume even if Rasalom is dead - one day another may rise to take his place.

It is not clear to me whether it is ever possible to get a total victory - or can each power just take tempory hold of a plane of existence.

The artist formally known as Britfan
Blake   10-28-2006, 06:15 PM
Some of this was discussed in another thread (and probably more threads that I'm forgetting).

It is sad that Jeffy goes back to the way he was, but some stories have sad endings. I think part of the reason we're all so hooked on FPW's writing is because he writes characters we genuinely care about and just about anything can happen to them... including really, really bad things. Look at it this way: If we knew all the "good guys" were going to end up living happily ever after, there'd be a lot less tension, and a lot less emotional involvement for us, the readers.

There's also another point of view: Jeffy's autism may be a blessing. After all, the post-Nightworld world might not be a very pleasant place to live. Perhaps he's better off not being very aware of his surroundings.


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webby   10-28-2006, 09:58 PM
mattc_099 Wrote:Which brings me to this - why does FPW refuse to do a post Nightworld book, there are so many possiblities here, I mean, even apart from Rasalom coming back, the whole idea that FPW could basically create his own new post-apocalypse world is quite intriquing.

Sometimes it's better just to let the end be the end. Especially the end of a long, treasured-by-fans saga like the AC. The end of Nightworld has such an emotional wallop, continuing the story would be anti-climactic.

I can think of several excellent books that were somehow lessened by the author dragging the story into an unneccesary sequal. Or two. Or three...

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

Maggers   10-29-2006, 02:32 PM
webby Wrote:Sometimes it's better just to let the end be the end. Especially the end of a long, treasured-by-fans saga like the AC. The end of Nightworld has such an emotional wallop, continuing the story would be anti-climactic.

That's why we need a PREQUEL for "The Keep." Right, Aphew? Wink

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Bluesman Mike Lindner   10-29-2006, 11:42 PM
mattc_099 Wrote:So I just finished Nightworld, and a was just curious on a few things. Keep in mind that I've only read the 6 books of the Adversary Cycle, none of the other RJ novels yet. Also, I read the regular version of Nightworld, not the revised one, which for all I know may have changed things that apply to my questions.

First off, it was kind of sad that Jeffy still had his autism at the end of the book, I was hoping that somehow he would get healed again. Also, I loved the book but I feel that at the end there should have been more pages devoted to the aftermath or at least to the characters and their plans/feelings/etc., it just kind of stopped too quickly for me.

My main question is, now I had to stop a couple of times, because I was reading the book at work, so it is possible I may have missed something. But it seems to me that Rasalom is still very much alive somewhere, either buried deep in the earth or in another dimension, because he pretty much just fell after getting a few parts hacked off, which I also was slightly annoyed with, I mean I wanted him to be completely hacked and slashed apart...mutilated...very slowly. :p

Also, Glaeken is still immortal at the end of the book, if Rasalom was truly dead then Glaeken would have become mortal again like he did at the end of The Keep. So I guess the struggle is eternal, will go on between them forever? Because I'm sure with upcoming techology especially, if all it took was a clone in Rebirth being created for Rasalom to find a gateway back onto our plane of existence, then I'm pretty sure it would be quite easy to bring Rasalom back.

Which brings me to this - why does FPW refuse to do a post Nightworld book, there are so many possiblities here, I mean, even apart from Rasalom coming back, the whole idea that FPW could basically create his own new post-apocalypse world is quite intriquing. Like this quote right here from the last couple of pages of Nightworld.....

"A whole new mythology could rise out of this. A new round of sun worship, that's for sure. It'll be interesting to see what develops."

Seems to me that this idea is too interesting to be wasted. But hey that's just my opinion. So guys please enlighten me on these questions I've posed. Am I way off the mark on my ideas and questions? Did I miss something reading the book that would tell me that Rasalom is truly gone? Does anyone else feel depressed about Jeffy? Help! Big Grin

Well, Mattc, Paul has said, "Post-NIGHTWORLD--the planet is =trashed=. You want it? =You= write it!" As far as Rasalom goes...





He is falling forever...nothing to stop his eternity to ponder his poor choices. A half-assed Lucifer...
cobalt   10-30-2006, 12:19 AM
Just some random thoughts from one that is tired and finally got some time to join the conversations this week-end. Whew!

NO SPOILERS for the revised Nightworld.

Rasalom might be falling forever.........but is Glaeken mortal and aging again?
Jeffy staying autistic just shows what had to be sacrificed for the good of the world.
A prequil would be very....very....nice...hint...hint....Big Grin
A post Nightworld glimpse in another dimension/world/reality...linking with our world. Yes I know.....wishing and wishing cobalt.

Manda_W   10-30-2006, 01:01 PM
I personally believe that Glaeken is aging again, but since he was returned to his youthful form, he has to start the aging process from there.

I never thought about R falling forever, but that makes perfect sense. Since the holes are bottomless. I always just assumed he fell into the "other" plane of reality. Guess this is a touch of a "duh" moment.
Bluesman Mike Lindner   10-30-2006, 01:30 PM
Manda_W Wrote:I personally believe that Glaeken is aging again, but since he was returned to his youthful form, he has to start the aging process from there.

I never thought about R falling forever, but that makes perfect sense. Since the holes are bottomless. I always just assumed he fell into the "other" plane of reality. Guess this is a touch of a "duh" moment.

Not at all a "duh" moment, Manda--that's just my take, Rasalom falling forever. Paul might say, "That's exactly wrong, Bluesman. When you learn to read, you'll find Rasalom joined Oz's troupe."

But be of good heart!--we can all look forward to YOUNG JACK--THE PREQUEL.Wink
mattc_099   10-30-2006, 03:08 PM
Well the last line of Nightworld (original version, of course) describes him as a "young red-haired man with an ageless thirty-five year old body" so to me it's pretty clear that he is still immortal.
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