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Flinx   10-23-2006, 06:48 AM
My collection which is mainly paperbacks, except for Black Wind and the editions from Borderlands Press and Stealth.
Black Wind {s}
Deep As The Marrow
Nightkill (with Stephen Spruill)
Midnight Mass
Artifact (with Kevin J. Anderson, Janet Berliner & Matthew J. Costello)
LaNague Federation
An Enemy Of The State (Stealth {si} & Infrapress {s}, 1st printings)
Dydeetown World
The Tery {si}
Healer (Dell, Stealth {si} & Infrapress {s}, 1st printings)
Wheels Within Wheels (Dell, Berkley & Infrapress {s}, 1st printings)
The LaNague Chronicles {si}
The Adversary Cycle
The Keep (Tor first edition{si}, Tor second edition & Borderlands Press {s}, 1st printings)
Rakoshi (updated edition of The Tomb) (Borderlands Press, 1st printing) {s}
The Touch (Borderlands Press, 1st printing) {s}
Reborn (Borderlands Press, 1st printing) {s}
Reprisal (Borderlands Press, 1st printing) {s}
Nightworld (Jove, New English Library & Borderlands Press {s}, 1st printings)
Repairman Jack
The Tomb (Tor, 1st printing) {si}
The Tomb: Author’s Definitive Edition (Tor, 1st printing)
A Day In The Life (short story)
Legacies (Tor, 1st {si} & 2nd printings)
Conspiracies {si}
All The Rage (Tor first mass market edition {si} & Tor second mass market edition, 1st printings)
The Haunted Air
Soft And Others
The Barrens And Others {s}
The Keep (IDW, issues 1-5 & trade paperback)
Anthology appearances
Dancing With The Dark
Dick Tracy: The Secret Files (Tor, 2nd printing)
The Further Adventures Of The Joker
Horrible Beginnings
Open Space 2 {s}
Razored Saddles
Shock Rock
Auskar   10-23-2006, 09:11 AM
Well, I read a bunch of books -- then I get rid of them all and start over. I have lots of mysteries, some science fiction, very few fantasy and/or horror. I don't remember titles too well, but I remember authors and the characters I like best that they write.

F. Paul Wilson - Repairman Jack novels plus Midnight Mass
P. G. Wodehouse -- Wooster / Jeeves
Mike Connelly -- Harry Bosch
John Connelly - forget
James W. Hall -- Thorn
Randy Wayne White -- Doc Ford
Robert Crais -- Elvis Cole
Robert B. Parker -- Spenser
John Steakley - Felix / Jack Crow
Barry Eisler -- John Rain
Lee Child -- Jack Reacher

Assorted buncha others that currently escape my memory, and that's just counting the fiction (which is all you wanted, right)..?
Kenji   10-23-2006, 09:33 AM
English Edition

Wheels Within Wheels
An Enemy Of The State
The Keep
The Tomb(A.D.E.)
Soft & Others
Revised Nightworld
Deep As The Marrow
The Barrens & Others
The Haunted Air
The Fifth Harmonic
Midnight Mass
The Keep Graphic Novel(vol.1 & 2)
The Last Rakosh

Japanese Edition

城塞 The Keep(Kadokawa editioon)
城塞 The Keep(Fusosha edition)
リボーン Reborn
闇の報復 Reprisal
触手 The Touch
ナイトワールド Nightworld(original)
マンハッタンの戦慄 The Tomb
神と悪魔の遺産 Legacies
異界への扉 Conspiracies
悪夢の秘薬 All The Rage
見えない敵 Hosts
幽霊屋敷の秘密 The Haunted Air
深淵からの脅威 Gateways
聖母の日 Virgin
密閉病室 The Select
体内兇器 Implant
闇から生まれた女 Sibs
ホログラム街の女 Dydeetown World
黒い風 Black Wind
tenebroust   10-23-2006, 10:21 AM
Auskar Wrote:Well, I read a bunch of books -- then I get rid of them all and start over. I have lots of mysteries, some science fiction, very few fantasy and/or horror. I don't remember titles too well, but I remember authors and the characters I like best that they write.

F. Paul Wilson - Repairman Jack novels plus Midnight Mass
P. G. Wodehouse -- Wooster / Jeeves
Mike Connelly -- Harry Bosch
John Connelly - forget
James W. Hall -- Thorn
Randy Wayne White -- Doc Ford
Robert Crais -- Elvis Cole
Robert B. Parker -- Spenser
John Steakley - Felix / Jack Crow
Barry Eisler -- John Rain
Lee Child -- Jack Reacher

Assorted buncha others that currently escape my memory, and that's just counting the fiction (which is all you wanted, right)..?

I'm mostly into horror fiction myself but a couple of your authors are amongst my g/f's favorites. She is a big fan of Elvis Cole and Harry Bosch Smile

Make copies for yourself YOU HANGMAN ROPE GANGSTER SCUM-ON-TOP! Laugh your MAD GIGGLE NOW!
Francis E. Dec Esquire
Visit the Official Francis E. Dec fan club at

For the politically active you might like my website at:
tenebroust   10-23-2006, 10:25 AM
webby Wrote:Repairman Jack Novels:
1. The Tomb
2. Legacies
3. Conspiracies
4. All the Rage
5. Hosts
6. The Haunted Air
7. Gateways
8. Crisscross
9. Infernal
10. Harbingers
11. The Last Rakosh

The Adversary Cycle:
12. The Keep
13. The Tomb
14. The Touch
15. Reborn
16. Reprisal
17. Nightworld

Other Novels:
18. Black Wind
19. Deep as the Marrow
20. Sims
21. Midnight Mass

Anthologies containing FPW short stories:
22. Thriller ("Interlude at Duane's")

I've read all of mine several times, with the exception of Black Wind. I need to find a newer copy or maybe a hardcover. The pages of my copy are very yellowed and the print is faded and tiny. I have not physically been able to read it. Sad

Also have multiple copies of the RJ and AC books for loaning.

I expect I will be adding The LaNague Chronicles to my collection next.

Remove 18, 19, and 22, and add Artifact, and The Barrens and Others, and you have pretty much my collection. Mostly paperbacks, well read. I do have a few hardcovers thrown in there.

Make copies for yourself YOU HANGMAN ROPE GANGSTER SCUM-ON-TOP! Laugh your MAD GIGGLE NOW!
Francis E. Dec Esquire
Visit the Official Francis E. Dec fan club at

For the politically active you might like my website at:
webby   10-23-2006, 11:10 AM
Auskar Wrote:Well, I read a bunch of books -- then I get rid of them all and start over. I have lots of mysteries, some science fiction, very few fantasy and/or horror. I don't remember titles too well, but I remember authors and the characters I like best that they write.

F. Paul Wilson - Repairman Jack novels plus Midnight Mass
P. G. Wodehouse -- Wooster / Jeeves
Mike Connelly -- Harry Bosch
John Connelly - forget
James W. Hall -- Thorn
Randy Wayne White -- Doc Ford
Robert Crais -- Elvis Cole
Robert B. Parker -- Spenser
John Steakley - Felix / Jack Crow
Barry Eisler -- John Rain
Lee Child -- Jack Reacher

Assorted buncha others that currently escape my memory, and that's just counting the fiction (which is all you wanted, right)..?

I like a lot of those same authors/characters, but Maggers was only asking about which books by F. Paul Wilson are in your collection. Wink

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

webby   10-23-2006, 11:11 AM
tenebroust Wrote:I'm mostly into horror fiction myself but a couple of your authors are amongst my g/f's favorites. She is a big fan of Elvis Cole and Harry Bosch Smile

Your girlfriend has excellent taste in detective fiction. Big Grin

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

Sourdoughs   10-23-2006, 12:05 PM
Here's my collection. I think the biggest hole is not having the recent Borderlands collection of the Adversary cycle. Looking at it as a whole, thatsa lotta books!:p

- MarcC

(* = Adversary Cycle)
(! = Repairman Jack)

Hardback (Name - printing - publisher - notes)
Christmas Thingy 1st - CD
* Keep 1st - 1981 - Morrow
*! Tomb 1986
Barrens and Others 1st - Forge
! All the Rage 1st - Forge
! All the Rage 1st - Gauntlet Signed (272/475)
! Hosts 1st - Gauntlet Signed (410/475)
! Haunted Air 1st - Gauntlet Signed (68/475)
! Gateways 1st - Gauntlet Signed (180/475)
! Conspiracies 1st - Gauntlet Signed (??/450 ), slipcase grn
! Conspiracies 1st - Forge Signed, unnumbered
! Crisscross 1st - Gauntlet Signed (161/500), slipcase blk
! Infernal 1st - Gauntlet 2005 Signed (185/500)
! Harbingers 1st - Gauntlet 2006 Signed (96/500)
Sims 1 1st - CD Signed (210/750)
Sims 2 1st - CD Signed (105/750)
Sims 3 1st - CD Signed (507/750)
Sims 4 1st - CD Signed (74/750)
Black Wind 1st - Tor
Sims 1st - Forge
Fifth Harmonic 1st - HR
Little Beige Book 1st - Borderlands Signed (496/500)
! The Last Rakosh 1st - Overlook Signed to Marc
! The Last Rakosh 1st - Overlook Signed (122/500)
Dark at Heart Dark Harvest 1992 Signed FPW

Paperback (name - year - notes)
Healer 1976
Wheels within Wheels 1978
* Keep 1981
*,! Tomb 1984
* Tomb, revised 2006
* Touch 1986
* Reborn 1990
* Reprisal 1992
*,! Nightworld 1993
! Legacies 1998
! Conspiracies 2000
! All the Rage 2000
! Hosts 2001
! Gateways 2003
! Haunted Air X2 2002
! Infernal 2006
Enemy of the State 1984
Boneyard 1988
Soft 1989
Dydeetown World 1989
Tery (x2) 1990
Sibs 1991
Buckets 1991
LaNague Chronicles 1992
Select 1994
Implant 1995
Mirage (Costello) 1996
Diagnosis: Terminal 1996
Nightkill (Spruill) 1997
Deep as the Marrow 1997
Masque (Costello) 1998
Authors Choice #13 1990 unsigned
Midnight Mass 1st - Axolotl 1990 Signed. Novella
Sims 2003
Virgin as Mary Murphy 1996

Chapbooks (name - publisher - notes)
The Beast and Me Gauntlet 191/500. unsigned
Gateways: Outline Gauntlet unnumbered of 501. unsigned
That Terrible Freedom Gauntlet unnumbered of 501. unsigned
Crisscross: Outline Gauntlet unnumbered of 526. unsigned
Demonsong Gauntlet 118/200. Signed
Infernal: Outline Gauntlet unnumbered of 526. unsigned
Harbingers: Outline Gauntlet unnumbered of 526. unsigned

Anthologies (name - year - notes)
Heroic Fantasy 1979 Demonsong 1st appearance
Further Adv Joker 1990 Definitive Therapy
Between Time and Terror 1995 Soft
Tales of the Impossible 1995 (The Word)
Bluesman Mike Lindner   10-23-2006, 12:08 PM
Sourdoughs Wrote:Here's my collection. I think the biggest hole is not having the recent Borderlands collection of the Adversary cycle. Looking at it as a whole, thatsa lotta books!:p

- MarcC

(* = Adversary Cycle)
(! = Repairman Jack)

Hardback (Name - printing - publisher - notes)
Christmas Thingy 1st - CD
* Keep 1st - 1981 - Morrow
*! Tomb 1986
Barrens and Others 1st - Forge
! All the Rage 1st - Forge
! All the Rage 1st - Gauntlet Signed (272/475)
! Hosts 1st - Gauntlet Signed (410/475)
! Haunted Air 1st - Gauntlet Signed (68/475)
! Gateways 1st - Gauntlet Signed (180/475)
! Conspiracies 1st - Gauntlet Signed (??/450 ), slipcase grn
! Conspiracies 1st - Forge Signed, unnumbered
! Crisscross 1st - Gauntlet Signed (161/500), slipcase blk
! Infernal 1st - Gauntlet 2005 Signed (185/500)
! Harbingers 1st - Gauntlet 2006 Signed (96/500)
Sims 1 1st - CD Signed (210/750)
Sims 2 1st - CD Signed (105/750)
Sims 3 1st - CD Signed (507/750)
Sims 4 1st - CD Signed (74/750)
Black Wind 1st - Tor
Sims 1st - Forge
Fifth Harmonic 1st - HR
Little Beige Book 1st - Borderlands Signed (496/500)
! The Last Rakosh 1st - Overlook Signed to Marc
! The Last Rakosh 1st - Overlook Signed (122/500)
Dark at Heart Dark Harvest 1992 Signed FPW

Paperback (name - year - notes)
Healer 1976
Wheels within Wheels 1978
* Keep 1981
*,! Tomb 1984
* Tomb, revised 2006
* Touch 1986
* Reborn 1990
* Reprisal 1992
*,! Nightworld 1993
! Legacies 1998
! Conspiracies 2000
! All the Rage 2000
! Hosts 2001
! Gateways 2003
! Haunted Air X2 2002
! Infernal 2006
Enemy of the State 1984
Boneyard 1988
Soft 1989
Dydeetown World 1989
Tery (x2) 1990
Sibs 1991
Buckets 1991
LaNague Chronicles 1992
Select 1994
Implant 1995
Mirage (Costello) 1996
Diagnosis: Terminal 1996
Nightkill (Spruill) 1997
Deep as the Marrow 1997
Masque (Costello) 1998
Authors Choice #13 1990 unsigned
Midnight Mass 1st - Axolotl 1990 Signed. Novella
Sims 2003
Virgin as Mary Murphy 1996

Chapbooks (name - publisher - notes)
The Beast and Me Gauntlet 191/500. unsigned
Gateways: Outline Gauntlet unnumbered of 501. unsigned
That Terrible Freedom Gauntlet unnumbered of 501. unsigned
Crisscross: Outline Gauntlet unnumbered of 526. unsigned
Demonsong Gauntlet 118/200. Signed
Infernal: Outline Gauntlet unnumbered of 526. unsigned
Harbingers: Outline Gauntlet unnumbered of 526. unsigned

Anthologies (name - year - notes)
Heroic Fantasy 1979 Demonsong 1st appearance
Further Adv Joker 1990 Definitive Therapy
Between Time and Terror 1995 Soft
Tales of the Impossible 1995 (The Word)

Mercy, Marc! That's a serious collection you got goin'! How'd you get turned on to Paul's fiction?
Auskar   10-23-2006, 04:36 PM
webby Wrote:I like a lot of those same authors/characters, but Maggers was only asking about which books by F. Paul Wilson are in your collection. Wink
Not being an F. Paul Wilson expert or someone who normally reads horror, I thought a lot of the novels listed in Maggers' first post were by other authors. That's why I listed other authors that were in my library. After your post, I looked up Maggers' list and now I realize my error.


I like Repairman Jack and didn't recognize the other stuff. This site is called, so I thought I was in the right place.
This post was last modified: 10-23-2006, 04:39 PM by Auskar.
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