Thank you for the welcome, sir. I've enjoyed reading your posts (and everyone's) as I've been trying to get through all posts on the board, much the same way I went through all of FPW's RJ series in about a week and a half. :eek: I grabbed Crisscross in an airport, finished it pretty much before I got on the plane, ordered the rest of them (why, oh WHY won't Harbingers ship, darnit!) and chewed through 'em like I'd not eaten in months. So, I joined the board, and have been chewing my way through that as well. That said...
The sense I got from FPW's original post here was that he was the author of the RJ MySpace. Especially since of the three I found that referenced RJ, the one FPW linked to was the most articulate. The syntax and phrasing were similar, and as "RJ" posts more blogs, that will be easier to spot. It's tough to fake an author's syntax, especially such that it would fool people like yourselves, who are so familiar with Jack. So, I figured, since FPW'd asked for help in getting the contest info out there, that I'd befriend him, put both links in my interests, and see what happened. If it IS FPW, then what fun it could be talking directly to Jack. If it isn't, then what fun teasing out inconsistencies and exposing him. Play his game and either catch him out or further FPW's efforts. And if anyone could do the teasing out, it would be you folk on this forum. Just a thought.
"You are never given a wish without being given the ability to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however." Is