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Pleiades   09-04-2006, 01:15 PM
Barbara and I went to WDW in May. Had a good time. One of my sentimental favorites is "The Carousel of Progress". It's been updated a bit, but retains its hokiness. It's a great break during a hot afternoon in Magic Kingdom. No lines, and air conditioned. I always like to sing along, but Barbara keeps kicking me. "Oh, it's a great big beautiful tomorrow... ouch"

I got food poisoning after eating at the Mayan Grill. It was probably the Fried Cheescake. I just had to try it. It's cheesecake and it's fried. How could that be bad?

You really only need three things: WD-40, Duct Tape, and a pointy stick. If it's supposed to move and doesn't, use the WD-40. If it moves and isn't supposed to, use the Duct Tape. If you want it to move and it doesn't want to, use the pointy stick. The rest of life is easy.
Maggers   09-04-2006, 02:12 PM
You will have a ball. Pace yourself. I was done in by the end of summer heat and was grateful that Hurricane/tropical storm/tropical depression Ernesto gave us several days of cloud cover and rain. You have survived the desert, so I bet you'll find Florida a snap.

There is so much to see and do in WDW. You've got 7 days, and that's a good length of stay for a trip. We ran like maniacs for 5 days and saw everything. It was exhausting, but I think I lost a pound or two. I had to dunk my head in a fountain outside of France on the only sunny day we had. OK, enough about the humidity and heat.

If you are staying at a Disney resort, and I don't know if the military resort is, you are eligible to stay longer hours at different parks each day. I recommend using the extended hours. The crowds thin out. We rode Expedition Everest 3 times in a row because at 7:30 AM in the rain there was no one else at the park.

If it should rain, don't be concerned. Buy a Mickey poncho or bring one of your own. The rain keeps the crowds down and the parks are still lovely.

Word of warning: I bought a small snow globe and packed it in my carry on luggage. Bad idea. It was confiscated. I got really angry and deliberately dropped it so it would crack. Also bad idea. I think I was followed by security after that. The airline (Jet Blue) did not offer any mailing services. Disney should have offered to mail it to me, as they did with the perfume I bought in France.

Check out all the 3D movies at whatever park offers them. They are all terrific experiences.

If you want to eat at the sit-down restaurants throughout, you will need to make reservations, usually weeks in advance. We didn't get into a couple, and we tried to make reservations about 3 weeks before the trip.

I may not get the exact names correct, but here goes:

Animal Kingdom:
Safari ride - LIVE ANIMALS! You sit in a open van that takes you through a park where you can see live animals doing their thing. Nice and relaxing, except for the bumpy road, and gets you off your feet for a bit. You may or may not get great shots of the animals as they could be sleeping or far away from the road.

Expedition Everest - great roller coaster and a new addition to Disney featuring the Tibetan Yeti monster.

Primeval Whirl - I wrote in another post that Primeval Whirl was our favorite ride because it was unexpectedly ridiculous, painful and downright hysterical. We rode it 3 times in a row.

Dinosaur - Meh. So so. Not great.

It's a Bug's Life (I think that's the name) - It's a great little 3D movie with hilarious special effects. It's a must see and is located within the Tree of Life, which is also a must see.

There are a bunch of walking tours in Animal Kingdom and I recommend them all. The grounds are beautiful as are the tigers, gorillas and birds that you wouldn't get to see otherwise.

Animal Kingdom is a beautiful park, with lush jungle foliage all around.

MGM Park:
Tower of Terror
- Fantastic, a must do. You'll scream like a little girl; I guarantee it.

Aerosmith Roller Coaster - Another great one. Tell your wife to remove her earrings. You are rocked around and the force is so great, my friend lost her earrings.

The Great Movie Ride - That might not be the correct name, but it's close. You sit and move around a variety of movie sets. It's a nice, relaxing, nostalgic look at movies, old and new, mostly old. There's also some corny role playing by the ride master, but that's enjoyable, too.

Because I love movies so much, the MGM park is my favorite, even though there are few rides in it. I love the look of the park.

There are great restaurants here, too. We ate at the Brown Derby, and at the GU4 in DisneyWorld, we met FPW at a 50's themed restaurant, whose name I can't remember, where we were brutalized by the purposefully nagging waitresses. We loved it.

More to come...

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

webby   09-04-2006, 02:19 PM
Maggers Wrote:Word of warning: I bought a small snow globe and packed it in my carry on luggage. Bad idea. It was confiscated. I got really angry and deliberately dropped it so it would crack. Also bad idea. I think I was followed by security after that.

Big Grin LOL! A litte passive-aggressiveness, maybe? "Oooops...sorry Mr. Security Man, it just slipped right out of my grasp!"

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

Bluesman Mike Lindner   09-04-2006, 02:24 PM
Maggers Wrote:Sigokat,
You will have a ball. Pace yourself. I was done in by the end of summer heat and was grateful that Hurricane/tropical storm/tropical depression Ernesto gave us several days of cloud cover and rain. You have survived the desert, so I bet you'll find Florida a snap.

There is so much to see and do in WDW. You've got 7 days, and that's a good length of stay for a trip. We ran like maniacs for 5 days and saw everything. It was exhausting, but I think I lost a pound or two. I had to dunk my head in a fountain outside of France on the only sunny day we had. OK, enough about the humidity and heat.

If you are staying at a Disney resort, and I don't know if the military resort is, you are eligible to stay longer hours at different parks each day. I recommend using the extended hours. The crowds thin out. We rode Expedition Everest 3 times in a row because at 7:30 AM in the rain there was no one else at the park.

If it should rain, don't be concerned. Buy a Mickey poncho or bring one of your own. The rain keeps the crowds down and the parks are still lovely.

Word of warning: I bought a small snow globe and packed it in my carry on luggage. Bad idea. It was confiscated. I got really angry and deliberately dropped it so it would crack. Also bad idea. I think I was followed by security after that. The airline (Jet Blue) did not offer any mailing services. Disney should have offered to mail it to me, as they did with the perfume I bought in France.

Check out all the 3D movies at whatever park offers them. They are all terrific experiences.

If you want to eat at the sit-down restaurants throughout, you will need to make reservations, usually weeks in advance. We didn't get into a couple, and we tried to make reservations about 3 weeks before the trip.

I may not get the exact names correct, but here goes:

Animal Kingdom:
Safari ride - LIVE ANIMALS! You sit in a open van that takes you through a park where you can see live animals doing their thing. Nice and relaxing, except for the bumpy road, and gets you off your feet for a bit. You may or may not get great shots of the animals as they could be sleeping or far away from the road.

Expedition Everest - great roller coaster and a new addition to Disney featuring the Tibetan Yeti monster.

Primeval Whirl - I wrote in another post that Primeval Whirl was our favorite ride because it was unexpectedly ridiculous, painful and downright hysterical. We rode it 3 times in a row.

Dinosaur - Meh. So so. Not great.

It's a Bug's Life (I think that's the name) - It's a great little 3D movie with hilarious special effects. It's a must see and is located within the Tree of Life, which is also a must see.

There are a bunch of walking tours in Animal Kingdom and I recommend them all. The grounds are beautiful as are the tigers, gorillas and birds that you wouldn't get to see otherwise.

Animal Kingdom is a beautiful park, with lush jungle foliage all around.

MGM Park:
Tower of Terror
- Fantastic, a must do. You'll scream like a little girl; I guarantee it.

Aerosmith Roller Coaster - Another great one. Tell your wife to remove her earrings. You are rocked around and the force is so great, my friend lost her earrings.

The Great Movie Ride - That might not be the correct name, but it's close. You sit and move around a variety of movie sets. It's a nice, relaxing, nostalgic look at movies, old and new, mostly old. There's also some corny role playing by the ride master, but that's enjoyable, too.

Because I love movies so much, the MGM park is my favorite, even though there are few rides in it. I love the look of the park.

There are great restaurants here, too. We ate at the Brown Derby, and at the GU4 in DisneyWorld, we met FPW at a 50's themed restaurant, whose name I can't remember, where we were brutalized by the purposefully nagging waitresses. We loved it.

More to come...

You're not alone in the snow-globe terrorism, Maggers. The current WEEKLY STANDARD has an article by an hombre who experienced the same sorry brand of horseshit. If only we found Hussein's stash of snow-globes...
Pleiades   09-04-2006, 02:25 PM
Maggers Wrote:GU4 in DisneyWorld, we met FPW at a 50's themed restaurant, whose name I can't remember, where we were brutalized by the purposefully nagging waitresses. We loved it.

More to come...
Mom's is the name of the restaurant. Keep your elbows off the table! Eat your vegetables! Lots of fun.

A great ride in Epcot is Soarin'. That's in "The Land" pavilion.

You really only need three things: WD-40, Duct Tape, and a pointy stick. If it's supposed to move and doesn't, use the WD-40. If it moves and isn't supposed to, use the Duct Tape. If you want it to move and it doesn't want to, use the pointy stick. The rest of life is easy.
Maggers   09-04-2006, 02:42 PM
Magic Kingdom
We were at the Magic Kingdom for 12 hours straight on a day with extended hours. I was a stumbling zombie by the end of the night but a happy one. The light parade at night is beautiful with all your favorite Disney characters riding floats lit up to beat the band.

There are the classic rides, like "It's a Small World," which I saw in its original version at the 1964 World's Fair in NYC. I had to see it again and enjoyed it. Of course, the song is in your head for the rest of the trip.

Pleiades mentioned the "Carousel of Progress," which I also saw at the 1964 World's Fair. They have spiffed it up and added a decade or two since then, but it's enjoyable and restful.

Peter Pan was lovely and crowded even at midnight. The wait was long and stultifyingly hot and humid but worth it.

Haunted Mansion is far from scary but enjoyable nevertheless.

I really liked Splash Mountain. You must get a picture of yourself and your wife as you get soaked. They are snapped automatically.

Buzz Lightyear was unexpected fun. I earned a surprisingly high score shooting at all the targets. In the automatic picture I looked frighteningly intense.

Space Mountain is a great roller coaster ride and a must, all in the dark.

Pirates of the Carribean has been revamped to add Jack Sparrow, and it's easy going and fun.

Epcot - I'm running out of words here. There is so much to see and do in Epcot that it took us 2 days and we still didn't see it all.

Mission Space is for the very tough. I went on it in 2005 at the GU4 and was dizzy for hours afterwards. I'd never do it again.

Soaring is really nice. You feel as though you are hangliding over California.

Test Track was OK. It wasn't one of my favorites but die hard car nuts might like it more.

There's wine tasting in Germany, belly dancing in Morocco, acrobats in China and huge drums in Japan. There was an acrobat group in France whose show I couldn't watch because it made me nervous, plus my head was in the fountain (it was really hot).

The fireworks at the end of the day at Epcot are stupendous.

That's all I can write, and I've undoubtedly bored a good number of people.

Sigokat, have a great trip. WDW is a truly magical kingdom.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Maggers   09-04-2006, 02:44 PM
webby Wrote:Big Grin LOL! A litte passive-aggressiveness, maybe? "Oooops...sorry Mr. Security Man, it just slipped right out of my grasp!"

No passive with me. I'm outright aggressive. I asked her if she was going to take it home and give it to her kids. She said that it was going in the trash with the rest of the confiscated stuff. I said fine, if I can't have it, no one will. Smash.

I'm not pretty when I'm crossed. My fellow GU'ers at WDW know that.Big Grin

Basically, I flare up and then calm down right away. But I do glow brightly while firing.
This post was last modified: 09-04-2006, 02:50 PM by Maggers.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

webby   09-04-2006, 02:51 PM
Maggers Wrote:No passive with me. I'm outright aggressive. I asked her if she was going to take it home and give it to her kids. She said that it was going in the trash with the rest of the confiscated stuff. I said fine, if I can't have it, no one will. Smash.

I'm not pretty when I'm crossed. My fellow GU'ers at WDW know that.

I've been hoping to attend a GU someday, but now I really want to be at one for the chance to see you in action! Big Grin

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

Bluesman Mike Lindner   09-04-2006, 02:58 PM
Maggers Wrote:No passive with me. I'm outright aggressive. I asked her if she was going to take it home and give it to her kids. She said that it was going in the trash with the rest of the confiscated stuff. I said fine, if I can't have it, no one will. Smash.

I'm not pretty when I'm crossed. My fellow GU'ers at WDW know that.Big Grin

Basically, I flare up and then calm down right away. But I do glow brightly while firing.

C'mon, Maggers, you're =always= pretty.
cobalt   09-04-2006, 04:12 PM
Maggers Wrote:No passive with me. I'm outright aggressive. I asked her if she was going to take it home and give it to her kids. She said that it was going in the trash with the rest of the confiscated stuff. I said fine, if I can't have it, no one will. Smash.

I'm not pretty when I'm crossed. My fellow GU'ers at WDW know that.Big Grin

Basically, I flare up and then calm down right away. But I do glow brightly while firing.
GOOD FOR Maggers!
I don't blame you for being upset. I'd be on the phone to Disney complaining that they should have warned people that mailing any liquid was the only way to get it home. I'd even write a scathing letter........I'm famous for those. I'd send one off to the airline as well.
I hope that the water in the globe splashed on that nasty screener's pants and shoes!

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