Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Does Theo describe you as "my for-now husband", Joe?
She sounds cool indeed. Can you coax her into meeting the gang?
Theo HATES the PC! She is the most computer illiterate person I have ever met. She can barely check her own e-mail, sometimes I have to do it for her. Also, Theo HATES to read, books to her are like kryptonite to Superman. If she had been born in the present era, she would have been diagnosed early as having ADD, but back in the '60s, this syndrome was not recognized as such. The fact she was able to make it through college despite this is a testament to her will and determination.
Theo hates to read so much that when I took her to see "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and she saw subtitles, she got up and left. Naturally, I had to follow.
It is thanks to Theo that we have a house and two cars, all paid-off, with no mortgage or bills other than one credit card, which we pay off each month, the entire balance. Aside from the peace of mind inspired by this, it also enabled me to secure a fairly high-level security clearance, since my finances now are spotless! Never confuse a Greek with a Greek-American. It seems like they have two utterly disparate sets of personalities and standards.
After college, Theo supported herself as a Hawaiian Tropic model and as an "exotic dancer." I guess there's not that much demand for Dance majors outside of the corps de ballet. A club owner saw her in Ft. Lauderdale and recruited her for his clubs in D.C. Unlike too many women who take up this career, Theo never got hooked on drugs or prostitution to support the habit. Rather, she saved her money and bought property. Theo is very conservative in her finances and investments. All of her money is in government I-bonds, which are automatically hedged against inflation.
Theo is also a great cook and an exercise fanatic! Her name, "Theodora," in Greek means "Gift from God" and that is what she truly has been for me!
Of course, if we ever meet in Manhattan, you will have to pretend that you know none of this, or else you risk the "Fist of Death" (must control!), not from
me, though,
I'll be next!