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Marc   07-16-2006, 04:31 AM
I really enjoyed Superman Returns. I was never bored (unlike Pirates 2) nor was I bombarded with effects (again, Pirates 2) and the story wasn't convoluted. Definitely a worthy follow up to The first two Superman films.

The new actor seemed a mirror image in many ways to Reeves and while Spacey was lacking in the comedy as Lex unlike Hackman he still carried himself well.
Blake   07-16-2006, 05:00 AM
Marc B. Wrote:You'll be happy to know (well, at least I am) that Donner's cut of Superman II is slated for release in November. Sweet!

I'm most definitely excited to see it, particularly with all the restored footage we've never seen. The drawback, of course, is that Donner didn't get to film that last 25% or so of his version, so he has to use some of Lester's footage and probably some of those rewrites. So it's going to be a compromise to some degree. But maybe some good editing will take care of most of that.

There's an interesting article on the project here.


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Terry Willacker   07-18-2006, 04:39 PM
[QUOTE=Marc B.]I really enjoyed Superman Returns. I was never bored (unlike Pirates 2) nor was I bombarded with effects (again, Pirates 2) and the story wasn't convoluted.

That sums up my opininon on both of those movies.
Lisa   07-19-2006, 12:44 AM
I would actually love to see the Superman movie again. I wonder if I can get my mom to go. :p

neotank   07-24-2006, 10:13 PM
I loved the movie. I thought the actor that played superman was fantastic. It had three or four scenes that were classic ones that stuck with me. (When superman was in space with his eyes closed listening to all the sounds of the world and then he heard the alarm go off and just opened his eyes and took off!!)

I thought is was up there with the first two superman movies. My only complaint was that the ending was a little long.

How is the new Pirates of the Carribean making so much more money then Superman? I was positive that superman was gonna be the cash cow of the year. I mean, who doesn't love superman?
Jamo   07-27-2006, 03:47 PM
Well, in germany the movie isn't out yet, but in 1 or 2 weeks I think. As I saw the beginning of the trailer, I thought: "What a shit"!
Remake Superman...not possible...! (although I saw that it works great in "Batman Begins" ^^ )

I saw the Trailer, and I must say the new Clark is very similar to the old, i was surpised.
And the trailer was very promising. And I think I will watch the movie even if not in cinema, I think.
Tony H   07-27-2006, 03:57 PM
Jamo Wrote:Well, in germany the movie isn't out yet, but in 1 or 2 weeks I think. As I saw the beginning of the trailer, I thought: "What a shit"!
Remake Superman...not possible...! (although I saw that it works great in "Batman Begins" ^^ )

I saw the Trailer, and I must say the new Clark is very similar to the old, i was surpised.
And the trailer was very promising. And I think I will watch the movie even if not in cinema, I think.

It's not a remake but a continuation of the franchise. This film takes place 5 years after the events in Superman II and the writers did us a huge favor by pretending that parts III and IV never existed.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
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Jamo   07-27-2006, 04:01 PM
Ah! One more pluspoint for the movie Wink
However, perhaps i will watch the movie in cinema then Big Grin

I must have a look on my moneybag then ^^

Kenji   08-19-2006, 04:49 AM
Today, I saw "Superman Returns"! Oh..........when I was 11 years old, I saw first Superman. I still remember he grabbed me and pulled me into screen(Of course not literally Wink ). In those days, Superman and Luke Skywalker were heroes for all boys. I also saw Superman II, III, and IV in a theater.

And, Superman Returns! What a good title! Exactly he's returned. Christopher Reeve's gone, but new guy is not bad. He looked younger than Christopher Reeve. But okay. Also Lois Lane is too young.......well, okay anyway.Rolleyes Sounds like everybody disliked Kevin Spacy's Lex Luthor. Really? I was okay. Gene Hackman is great actor, of course. But Spacy's Luthor was more violent than Hackman's.

I was glad I could listen to original opening theme music. I can't imagine Superman without music by John Williams. SFX was great! Especially, bullet ricocheted off from Superman's eye! Very small shot but it was cool effect. I liked that.

Bryan Singer did good work. His X-Men series succeeded. So I knew his "Superman Returns" would be great.

Ah, if Christopher Reeve was still alive, he would enjoy it....Sad
Jamo   08-19-2006, 06:27 AM
Kenji Wrote:Today, I saw "Superman Returns"! Oh..........when I was 11 years old, I saw first Superman. I still remember he grabbed me and pulled me into screen(Of course not literally Wink ). In those days, Superman and Luke Skywalker were heroes for all boys. I also saw Superman II, III, and IV in a theater.

And, Superman Returns! What a good title! Exactly he's returned. Christopher Reeve's gone, but new guy is not bad. He looked younger than Christopher Reeve. But okay. Also Lois Lane is too young.......well, okay anyway.Rolleyes Sounds like everybody disliked Kevin Spacy's Lex Luthor. Really? I was okay. Gene Hackman is great actor, of course. But Spacy's Luthor was more violent than Hackman's.

I was glad I could listen to original opening theme music. I can't imagine Superman without music by John Williams. SFX was great! Especially, bullet ricocheted off from Superman's eye! Very small shot but it was cool effect. I liked that.

Bryan Singer did good work. His X-Men series succeeded. So I knew his "Superman Returns" would be great.

Ah, if Christopher Reeve was still alive, he would enjoy it....Sad

I think I'll have to watch it in cinema ^^

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