Today, I saw "Superman Returns"! Oh..........when I was 11 years old, I saw first Superman. I still remember he grabbed me and pulled me into screen(Of course not literally

). In those days, Superman and Luke Skywalker were heroes for all boys. I also saw Superman II, III, and IV in a theater.
And, Superman Returns! What a good title! Exactly he's returned. Christopher Reeve's gone, but new guy is not bad. He looked younger than Christopher Reeve. But okay. Also Lois Lane is too young.......well, okay anyway.

Sounds like everybody disliked Kevin Spacy's Lex Luthor. Really? I was okay. Gene Hackman is great actor, of course. But Spacy's Luthor was more violent than Hackman's.
I was glad I could listen to original opening theme music. I can't imagine Superman without music by John Williams. SFX was great! Especially, bullet ricocheted off from Superman's eye! Very small shot but it was cool effect. I liked that.
Bryan Singer did good work. His X-Men series succeeded. So I knew his "Superman Returns" would be great.
Ah, if Christopher Reeve was still alive, he would enjoy it....