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Biggles   06-19-2004, 09:11 PM
SteveBlack Wrote:I just finished MM a few minutes ago. Excellent - on a par with McCammon's -They Thirst'.

I would love to read more stories from 'Bloodworld'!!

Paul - I think you've managed to raise the bar with this book. Previously, the most awful thing you'd written was the scene in Reprisal when Bill finds Danny. In MM the hunting and subsequent fate of the pregnant woman and her 7 year old son really upset me. It was even more unsettling that you didn't write about it and that you left me to fill in the blanks............thanks (I think) :p


I haven't read MM yet, but some of the more Gory crime scene photos I've seen (GROSS-OUT ALERT) were of a pregnant girl who had essentially been gutted in her apartment. I'll leave the rest to your imaginations. The boys in the County crime lab had photos like these all along their hallways. I think they enjoyed grossing out the young prosecutors who came over to meet with them. Some other interesting photos on cases I handled were of char-broiled corpses (charred on the outside, rare on the inside--ever since, I have endeavored to duplicate this effect on the barby, with BEEF, BEEF I tell you). Autopsy photos are always interesting too, especially ones where "critters" like insects or pets got to the corpses before they were discovered. BTW, I would like to think that if I dropped dead from a grabber while the rest of my family was at Disney World, my dogs would wait WAY longer to start nibbling away at my corpse than cats would. Big Grin

(Let's see if that gets you catlovers started).
This post was last modified: 06-19-2004, 09:14 PM by Biggles.

"I don't always carry a pistol, but when I do, I prefer an East German Makarov"
Bluesman Mike Lindner   06-20-2004, 06:36 AM
fpw Wrote:I thought I'd answered this before but I guess I forgot to hit the SUBMIT button.

Sadly, that scene comes from real life. The victim was Sylvia Likens, in 1965. Google it if you dare.

No matter what imaginitive horror I come up with, it invariably pales before what people have done to each other down the ages.

I just googled it...Jesus, Mary, and strong Joseph, father of Jesus and husband of Mary. I'm at a loss to compare that with anything. Maybe David Ng. (Oh yes, still alive in solitary confinement--your tax dollars at work.) Many details of that monster's work have yet to see print. Colin Wilson put it something like this: "My friends in the Yard provided me with the full transcript of his trial, and the surpressed photographs. I had always been an opponent of capital punishment. I no longer am."
Bluesman Mike Lindner   06-20-2004, 06:42 AM
jimbow8 Wrote:Oddly, I don't even remember that.

My copy is at home, Jimbo, but I believe it's p. 254. Don't reread it if you plan on being happy for the rest of the day.
Ken Valentine   06-20-2004, 08:18 AM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:I just googled it...Jesus, Mary, and strong Joseph, father of Jesus and husband of Mary. I'm at a loss to compare that with anything. Maybe David Ng. (Oh yes, still alive in solitary confinement--your tax dollars at work.)

Don't forget Jeffrey Dahmer.

In fact you might -- or might not -- want to see the following:

I've always been in favor of the death penalty -- especially at the hands of the intended victim.

Ken V.
Ken Valentine   06-20-2004, 08:24 AM
Biggles Wrote:I haven't read MM yet, but some of the more Gory crime scene photos I've seen (GROSS-OUT ALERT) were of a pregnant girl who had essentially been gutted in her apartment. I'll leave the rest to your imaginations. The boys in the County crime lab had photos like these all along their hallways. I think they enjoyed grossing out the young prosecutors who came over to meet with them. Some other interesting photos on cases I handled were of char-broiled corpses (charred on the outside, rare on the inside--ever since, I have endeavored to duplicate this effect on the barby, with BEEF, BEEF I tell you). Autopsy photos are always interesting too, especially ones where "critters" like insects or pets got to the corpses before they were discovered. BTW, I would like to think that if I dropped dead from a grabber while the rest of my family was at Disney World, my dogs would wait WAY longer to start nibbling away at my corpse than cats would. Big Grin

(Let's see if that gets you catlovers started).

As a cat lover, I can't argue with what you honestly say is what you'd "like to think". Big Grin

Ken V. (I love dogs too . . . I just happen to love cats a little more.)
Bluesman Mike Lindner   06-20-2004, 09:45 AM
Biggles Wrote:I haven't read MM yet, but some of the more Gory crime scene photos I've seen (GROSS-OUT ALERT) were of a pregnant girl who had essentially been gutted in her apartment. I'll leave the rest to your imaginations. The boys in the County crime lab had photos like these all along their hallways. I think they enjoyed grossing out the young prosecutors who came over to meet with them. Some other interesting photos on cases I handled were of char-broiled corpses (charred on the outside, rare on the inside--ever since, I have endeavored to duplicate this effect on the barby, with BEEF, BEEF I tell you). Autopsy photos are always interesting too, especially ones where "critters" like insects or pets got to the corpses before they were discovered. BTW, I would like to think that if I dropped dead from a grabber while the rest of my family was at Disney World, my dogs would wait WAY longer to start nibbling away at my corpse than cats would. Big Grin

(Let's see if that gets you catlovers started).

That's why the whole board loves you, Biggles: we take courage from your never-failing rosy outlook on life. (I think the cats would start first too. Cats are impatient. Your dogs would wait for the deliveryman to bring the fries.)
This post was last modified: 06-20-2004, 10:21 AM by Bluesman Mike Lindner.
InfinityLtd   06-22-2004, 11:56 AM
jimbow8 Wrote:OH MY GOD!!!

I haven't read GATEWAYS yet, but I followed this link and read the story. Oh, man! :mad: I wonder what happened to--with?--the girls' parents?

The question now is: do I still want to read GATEWAYS? Well, yes, but I might have to skip this scene if/when I see it coming--we'll have to see when I get there.

I think, given the opportunity and the same circumstances, that cats and dogs would dig in at the same time.

(cat lover, dog liker)
This post was last modified: 06-22-2004, 11:59 AM by InfinityLtd.

Eric S. Bauman

"Reality is a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there." -- John Barth

"All things serve the Beam." -- Stephen King

Paper clips: the larval stage of coat hangers.
jimbow8   06-22-2004, 12:01 PM
InfinityLtd Wrote:I haven't read GATEWAYS yet, but I followed this link and read the story. Oh, man! :mad: I wonder what happened to--with?--the girls' parents?

The question now is: do I still want to read GATEWAYS? Well, yes, but I might have to skip this scene if/when I see it coming--we'll have to see when I get there.

I think, given the opportunity and the same circumstances, that cats and dogs would dig in at the same time.

(cat lover, dog liker)
There is a link on that page called Suitcase of Sorrow that is about the mother, but it doesn't go into the whole situation and what the mother went through.

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Ken Valentine   06-22-2004, 12:02 PM
InfinityLtd Wrote:I haven't read GATEWAYS yet, but I followed this link and read the story. Oh, man! :mad: I wonder what happened to--with?--the girls' parents?

The question now is: do I still want to read GATEWAYS? Well, yes, but I might have to skip this scene if/when I see it coming--we'll have to see when I get there.

I think, given the opportunity and the same circumstances, that cats and dogs would dig in at the same time.

(cat lover, dog liker)

The scene is actually scarcely more than a paragraph, and I'm sure you have read worse.

Ken V.
InfinityLtd   06-22-2004, 12:07 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:There is a link on that page called Suitcase of Sorrow that is about the mother, but it doesn't go into the whole situation and what the mother went through.

I don't know how she (the mother) could have carried that around for 25 years. Besides Sylvia, the one I feel most sorry for is the sister who had to watch it all.

Eric S. Bauman

"Reality is a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there." -- John Barth

"All things serve the Beam." -- Stephen King

Paper clips: the larval stage of coat hangers.
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