Actually, this was always intended to be a type of e-book and not a database. The Grand Unification is only part of what the Compendium is going to be. There would be a section for each book that had a standard layout which would also include the ties it made on the GU.
What needs to happen (IMO) is that we need to get a solid list of editors together. Only then can we begin work on it. The initial draft need only be a plain text file for all I care, the most important thing is getting all of the information gathered and somewhat organized. We lost quite a bit of information off the other Compendium thread when the database for this MB um... "hicupped". I haven't read through what's left, but I think we were trying to get people to write essay's and gather ideas for other sections of the Compendium. I have a lot of things saved from past attempts to get this project rolling, so I'm not worried about a starting point.
Anybody who thinks they would have time to devote to this project, please e-mail me at:
[email protected] with the subject line: FPW Compendium. It's way past time to get the ball rolling on this. Once I have at least 5 volunteers, we'll discuss details...