jimbow8 Wrote:I think the story in Desperation was better, but some of the imagery in Regulators was better.
Both books are pretty good on their own, but I think you need to read both of them back to back to get the full effect. I always loved the fact that Regulators was by "Richard Bachman", rather than SK. Kind of like these two guys living in parallel worlds are connected and neither one is aware of it but they're writing very similar stories so there must be some nugget of universal truth somewhere......
Thanks, Medusa for the heads up about the movie last night! I almost never watch tv so I had no clue that this movie had been made or that it was going to be on last night. I would've been kicking myself this morning if I hadn't seen your post last night. Mucas gracias!!
I thought the casting was great and the acting was pretty good. The settings were great too - the theater looked just as I'd imagined, the mine, the jail, everything.
I only wish they hadn't gone so heavy-handed on the religion. It was there to a degree in the book, but the movie really went overboard. I can't figure out who was supposed to get that message :confused: If you're already a religious person, you wouldn't need to be beat over the head with it. And if you're not a religious person, beating you over the head with it isn't going to change your mind ("beatings will continue until morale improves"?

Glad I saw it anyway. Religious aspects aside, it was pretty well done.