I've never really viewed Caddyshack as a harmful film for young viewers. Yes, it does have it scenes that must to be edited in order to make it so, but it's mostly juvenile humor centered around a goofy game with a lovable gopher and bumbling groundskeeper (a twist on Bugs & Elmer?) It's cartoonish at times. But thanks to the adult humor, nudity, and cursing, many of us didn't get to see this very funny movie until we were older, or so our parents thought.

BTW, do you remember the cursing and nudity vividly?? I don't. But I see your point. Times have definitely changed.
I'll leave you with this, which will probably get stuck in your head the rest of the day...
"Iiii'm allllriiieeght/ Don't nobody worry about me/..."
Did you just do the gopher dance?? I'll bet you almost did.