cobalt79 Wrote:MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please don't read if you haven't read Harbingers yet!!!!!!!!!!!
I was just so impressed with the whole idea of the sun-glasses. An invention for Yeniceri, that poor Jack finds out about the hard way in Florida. Jack thinks he's leaving the country, back in his father's house and very down. I almost thought that Tom was the target of the hit-man. (But later we do find out about Tom, at least that's what I took from the conversation with a certain some-one in the park.) Maybe he "snuck" back thru an Otherness spot in the glades or what-ever. Quite a shock that the hit-man was for him. Now Jack can't leave for Europe.
The twins tie in helped alot, now we know where they came from.
The Ally and HWMNBN messing with "alarms" was just about the last straw. Poor Gia and Vickie, poor baby, such pain for Jack!
At least the Mother's are to be a help to Jack. The Ally is truely not helping the situation. Sending alarms to kill Jack's loved ones. Even HWMNBN messing with alarms and with Jack in the park. I was ever so glad to see the Mother stick up for Jack. I almost wanted the dog to take a bite out of the beast. Deny that "man" some pain please but cause him some hurt........just because!
Well enough of this rambling of mine for now. Anyone else?
cobalt79 Wrote:MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please don't read if you haven't read Harbingers yet!!!!!!!!!!!
...I almost thought that Tom was the target of the hit-man. (But later we do find out about Tom, at least that's what I took from the conversation with a certain some-one in the park.) Maybe he "snuck" back thru an Otherness spot in the glades or what-ever...
luthie2 Wrote:When R was about to kill the Oculus, he said that his "masterpiece" was done 4 years ago and that he could never top that. I wonder what he was referring to. Danny Gordon?
luthie2 Wrote:****Harbingers Spoilers Below****
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****Harbingers Spoilers Below****
I must have missed this. What was it that made you think that Tom was back?
KRW Wrote:For me, "Harbingers" answered more questions than it raised. {I'm mashing the potato of confusion here}I am still wondering about the Mother Earth types. (the ladies with the dogs) I'm thinking they have to go for the final battle(Nightworld). From "Crisscross" we've learned they hurt physicaly when a pillar is buried, (and whose to say say when "Opus Omega" is complete that it won't actully kill them giving Rasalom the power he needs over this world to start Nightworld?) I was shocked to see the power they have over Rasalom, limited it may be. It saved Jack. {I'm shucking the corn of concern on this}
As far as the sunglasses go, one thought. Aperrantly, the yenneceri wants Jack dead or they wouldn't have chased him. He has the edge because he can blend in, they wear the same style of galsses which makes them stand out in a crowd. And since the Twins origanly made them, they have no way of changing them.{Sunglasses are great for hiding the black eyed pea of deception}
luthie2 Wrote:****Warning - Harbinger Spoilers Below****
LOL on the Zeklos-like vegetable puns, Ken!!![]()
That just reminds me how light-hearted and funny the book was in the beginning sections. I always loved the humor in the RJ books - especially Jack's thoughts at times. Needless to say, there wasn't much humor in the latter part of it. (As an aside - I wonder if they are going to include Jack's thoughts in the RJ movie and if so, will they pull it off?)
As for the Lady - My take was always that the Lady would be completely gone by the time Night World rolls around - although it saddens me to say so. I think that Opus Omega will destroy her.
I was also shocked to see the Lady stand up to R and force him to not only back down, but leave completely (and a little shaken, IMHO). It was also nice to see R afraid of the dog (although after the nice little confrontation with Oyv and the gator, I can't blame him!) In the past we've seen the ladies with dogs apparently hiding from R and "afraid" to even voice his true name. Although, maybe it was just that they didn't want Jack to voice it and draw attention to both of them.
I also enjoyed the "I am never far" line that the Lady said to Jack in the end. It seems to reinforce the "Mother Earth" theory.
KRW Wrote:I'm glad I wasn't too subtle!!!!!!!I really liked Zeklos, poor bastard!
KRW Wrote:I's cool we think alike about the power the ladies have over Rasalom, but, why is that? I had always thought he only feared the one. (Glaeken) Now we see Glaeken is not his only worry and reason for hiding. I'm curious to the origins of these women. Are they from the same "Age" as Glaeken and Rasalom? Where they around, or even part of, the conception of the Rakosh? (One the father,the other the mother)
KRW Wrote:All I can say is, WHAT A RIDE!!!!!!!!!