I would say no, although we don't really know that Rasalom dies at the end of Nightworld. He could be falling down that hole forever... though I think we can at least assume he's left this sphere. (Side note: I've never figured out where the hole under Rasalom leads, and a similar hole shows up in one of the RJ books. Unlike the Central Park hole and all the others, which theoretically lead to somewhere related to the Otherness, the one under Rasalom glows, and it's implied/stated that it leads somewhere different from the others. Ideas?)
But to get back to the point: At the end of The Keep, the Ally power seems to think the battle for this sphere is over and allows Glaeken to become mortal, relinquishing him from his eons of servitude. (But note that he didn't die, though that was his fear.) That makes sense when you consider that there was basically no fighting in this sphere for 500 years and the final battle wasn't much more than a small skirmish.
At the end of Nightworld, however, the Otherness has just unleashed a major offensive that has just barely been beaten back. In those circumstances, even if your opponent appears to be defeated and gone, it doesn't make sense to let your guard down. As a result, Glaeken is left in play (much to his dismay).
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:I'm sorry I missed this thread before. My take was that, yes, Rasalom is indeed falling forever, with big mucho plenty time to ponder the consequences of his bad decisions. Kinda like the Hemingway story (I =think= Hemingway, and forget which one if it was) in which the whiskey-priest, in the second before his death, realizes, "It would have been so easy to be a saint."
webby Wrote:I also choose to believe that Rasalom is falling forever. But then, I choose to believe that I'm safe from terrorists because I live in the MidwestI'd like to think that Rasalom is falling forever...........but I some how don't think that is just so. That "sick light" is down there, toward where he is falling. Can he be hurt by rocks and debris on the way, I hope so.![]()
Rasalom is probably gone for good, but the force behind him isn't and the game isn't over. Probably the best that can be hoped is that it will be a few millenia before Earth gets any attention again from the Ally & the Otherness.
cobalt79 Wrote:I'd like to think that Rasalom is falling forever...........but I some how don't think that is just so. That "sick light" is down there, toward where he is falling. Can he be hurt by rocks and debris on the way, I hope so.I think the Adversary will save Rasalom to punish him. His pain will do for now IMO. Is this the end of the game for the Otherness and the Adversary with poor Earth. Again I don't think so. This bout of terror may be over, but I'd like to think that the Ally may not be done with us yet. The Otherness has lost for now, I'd bet they would not like to give up. They may slink away and lick their wounds.........but gone...........I think not........still bet........all that terror and humanity to torture. Will the Otherness use Rasalom again...........only...........FPW knows for sure. I bet he's not talking either, for now. What I'D LOVE TO a post Nightworld, after all.....I don't want my favorite character to go away!!!!
KRW Wrote:Remember another hole with light? It swallowed a house! I recall another in the Everglades. From what I remember of "Nightworld", most of the holes didn't shine any light on this world. Are they holes to somewhere diferent? Maybe. But the one in the basement had a rope ladder that led to somewhere, it didn't just keep going. In fact it came to a point where up was down, interestinging. Maybe the big R hit that point and is just suspended in eternity by opposing forces? (Not a bad fate for the bastardGood points. I had forgotten about the rope ladder in the house that disappeared. A pathway to the "other side"? A whole new series of books to explore! That would be neat!)
I also like the fact that Jack has almost been taken by three differant vortices.
The first in "Conspirecies", in the basement of the house in a whirlpool of air. The second in "The Haunted Air", once again in a basement. This time with a whirlpool of blood. The third was in "Gateways". Tom and him where almost taken away by a tornado. The two sucking down, maybe the Adversary. The one sucking up, maybe the Allie? Although the third could have been the M. E. types seeing how it was in the Everglades and was a natural phenomenon!?!?