When I first saw this trailer was a year ago. And now, and now, finally I saw this movie. Today was the opening day, and the theatre was full of people.
What a terrific film! I enjoyed it. I doubted "Is this a really Russian movie?" Visual and hard action, blood and violence...well, it was a taste like a Hollywood movie. But language was Russian and English subtitles were put on screen, so this is evidently....Russian movie. English subtitles were very unique. I liked that!
I heard this is trilogy. This first one is "Night Watch", and part 2 is "Day Watch", and part 3 is "Dusk Watch". Oh, I can't wait!
And, interestingly, sometimes they mentioned about "Other", and "Light vs. Dark" in this movie. They reminded me of "Otherness" and "Ally vs. Adversary". Coincidence? Without doubt, Sergei Lukyanenko read AC and RJ!