LuzEstrella Wrote:Maybe I have Julian on the brain...but wouldnt he make an interesting choice as our "Repairman Jack" ???
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He is a really good actor and could pull it off. He is intelligent and plays "dark" quite well. I can see him in this very demanding role. I think I like the idea !!!! Opinions ????? Anyone ????
I think Julian McMahon is the hottest man alive. He is a wonderful actor with terrific range. However, RJ is supposed to "blend in". This guys is just too sexy and beautiful to blend in, don't you think? I mean, I'd remember him! LOL
I've loved him since he was on Charmed and when I saw the premiere I almost died during the first five minutes....
OMG I thought Christian was really dead!!! I almost threw something at my tv. I had just upgraded my satellite package from 60 channels to 120 channels because FX was on the 120 channel package. ROTFL! And even though I love Nip/Tuck, the truth is I watch it for Julian. So when I thought they'd killed him off, I was a most unhappy camper.
I was shocked that he was raped! How horrible. For a while, I thought the Carver might actually be a woman, but I guess not. When will they tell us who it is?
Question for Nip/Tuck fans: who do you think The Carver is? Anyone we know?