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smithers52   07-13-2005, 07:12 PM
I wanted to start a discussion on the Alien franchise to see if anyone else here enjoys this series.

The first two films are classics. The original started the template for all monster films since. You know the whole creature-kills-off-everyone-one-at-a-time formula. The second film is a adrenaline pumping thrillfest that ranks as my fave of the series (and fave films of all time).

I may be in a minority but I really dig Alien 3. While the film isn't perfect and takes time to get going it has some nice, moody visuals and a great ending. Foreshadows the great talent of director David Fincher (Seven, Fight Club) to come.

Alien Resurrection has some nice visuals/ concepts (hybrid alien/human), fun moments (the underwater scene) but it never progresses the series or lives up to it's potential. And Winona Ryder is the most unconvincing film robot ever.

If your a fan, I recommend buying the Quadrilogy set as it's got DAYS worth of extra stuff to look at if your big film buff.
Medusa   07-13-2005, 07:57 PM
Hey, we're big Alien fans. I loved the first one (the book is pretty good too). Aliens is the best one I think. Like you, I liked Alien 3, despite everyone else poo-pooing it. Alien Resurrection was just out and out cool! The effect were great and I have to agree with you on Wynona Rider. What a woosy robot. But Johnner! He was great! I don't know if you could put AvP in with this too, but I really liked it as well. I do want to get that Quad pack you were talking about. But that takes a lot of $$$! Even on Ebay. I heard they were talking about doing another one. Taking off after Resurrection, where Ripley finally gets back to earth.
jimbow8   07-13-2005, 08:14 PM
I LOVE the original ALIEN. It is a terrific Sci-Fi Horror movie that set the bar for that niche genre (Terminator, Pitch Black, etc). I really have to see ALIENS (2) again, because everyone raves about it. I only saw it when it first came out and didn't like it as much as the first, possibly because it is more Action than Horror. The third and fourth movies I have seen bits and pieces of and that is really sufficient for me. They didn't seem that good. I did go see Alien V. Predator in the theatre (FREE ticket and I'm a Predator fan). That movie SUCKED!

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
nijimeijer   07-13-2005, 08:25 PM
I really love the first two Alien movies.

One of the things I really loved about the second movie was the almost absolute silence found in quite a bit of the movie. I felt that it really added to the atmosphere and pacing of the film. Sparse soundtrack that was there when you needed it, and minimalistic sound.

It was only later that I found out that a big reason for that was James Cameron turning the film in very late, and the composer only having a couple weeks to score the movie.

Like Jaws, a gaffe made the film more effective.

Throughout our history there are those ghosts
Compelled to illustrate our dreams and hopes
Victors hang in pictures, losers from ropes.
Regardless they all swing in the same boat.
smithers52   07-13-2005, 08:29 PM
I haven't seen AVP and (judging from every review I've read) I should probably keep it that way.

And yes I'm a big fan of the original Predator as well. The 2nd one is mediocre but enjoyable in a dumb-fun way.
Medusa   07-13-2005, 08:46 PM
Oh forgot to mention. The Director's Cut of Aliens has some great scenes that were cut out of the original.
Maggers   07-13-2005, 10:05 PM
I am an "Alien" and Ripley nut. If I stumble upon any of the series on TV, but especially 1 and 2, I am compelled to drop everything and watch. I must watch. MUST! LOVE THEM! I've seen them a gazillion times. Just can't get enough. I need to buy the whole series.

I'm not so thrilled with the third, the one that took place in that nasty prison. But I enjoyed the last one, with Winona and all the water.

Ripley can do no wrong. She's my kinda gal.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Dave   07-14-2005, 06:38 AM
Aliens is my favourite of the series, but blasphemer that I am, I probably prefer Alien 3 to the original Alien.

I like the first one, and loved the novelization as a teenager, but now I find it a little dated and, god forbid, slow. Not boring, but a bit slow.

I liked Alien 3 from the off, it had something original about it, and as Smithers said, some great visual touches. The premise was not great, but not bad, and the ending was kick ass. The negatives are the way they destroyed the ending of Aliens by setting up Alien 3 like they did (won't go into details incase someone hasn't seen them). I think it has Weaver's best performance.

Aliens is just brilliant, can't say much more than that. And yes, the extra stuff does add something special to it.

Alien Resurrection. Pah, I want to clear my mouth out just mentioning it. If Alien 3 ruined Aliens ending, wtf did AR do to Alien 3's ending? Pointless and dull. The whole series was hinged on Ripley's fear, and in AR they took it away. Stupid.

Haven't seen AvP, not sure if I want to. I have the original quad boxset, just the films and few extras. The new quad boxset is tempting for the extended Alien 3 cut, but as Fincher had no hand in it I'm not too fussed.

Kenji   07-14-2005, 10:26 AM
No Spoiler

I saw all Alien series in theater. Yeah, first one was very scary. Before I saw Alien, I saw Star Wars, Star Trek TMP. So I thought this is one of SF adventure movies or something, so I went see it with friends. But, no,no,no! Oh, this is NOT SF adventure!.......this was my first horror movie experience. At the end scene, I was really really frightened. I swore I NEVER EVER see this again :eek: ........But, you know, now I really really like this movie. Big Grin

And........Aliens! It was a most expected sequel. At the first movie, I was really frightened to only one Alien. Nevertheless many Aliens? I thought "Oh, that's insane!" But it was GREAT! When I first saw Aliens, it was by premiere preview. Riply's line, "Get away from her, you bitch!" I LOVED IT!

Spoiler is included below.
Alien 3 was very dark and very hopeless. I hated prisoners. I hated Riply's skin head. But visual art and special effect was great. Especially new Alien(from dog) was awesome. But sometimes I wished Aliens was last movie. I didn't wanna see Riply's death.

No spoiler

Alien Resurrection was.............well, actually I didn't wanna see it. But I saw it, after all. I did regret. As a result, in any movies, "Part 4" is terrible (Except Sudden Impact). That's IMHO.

AvP was fun, simply. I can't say "good" or "bad". This is entertainment.

As a result, my favorite is first one.
The Mad American   07-14-2005, 12:52 PM
I too really like the first two Alien movies. 3 and Resurection I can take or leave, don't really hate them but don't really desire to see them.

I have one thing that always bugged me about the original Alien that I thought they never elaborated on in any of the sequels, maybe I am wrong in this but if I am...ah..what you gonna do?

Spoiler...for a movie that is 20 years old......

In Alien, when they find the downed ship that has all the Alien egg/pod things in it. Did anyone else take this as an Alien ship? They show the pilot or whatever that is mummified and it seems to be similar to the Alien, but the thing is the area where the pod/eggs are seems to me to be a very deliberate design and seemed more like a hatchery or nursery rather then an infestation. If this was the case then the Aliens had the ability and intelligence to space travel. In all the later movies it turns them into mindless killing machines without this kind of intelligence. Anyone else get this from the fist movie? Would have been kind of cool to see this elaborated on some...but oh well. I still really enjoyed the movies.

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"Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
~ Red Buttons

Too literal? I'm sorry you feel I have a Literal Agenda!

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