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saynomore   08-07-2006, 05:15 PM
The Mad American Wrote:I and a friend went to see The Descent last saturday and I have to say I really enjoyed it. It was light years better then The Cave (well, the cave sucked in my opinion and descent was very good comparison really except the caves).

Well worth seeing. Much much darker in mood then Dog Soldiers (Neil Marshals last film).

After some see it we can discuss more. I saw some similarities between the points made in this movie and 28 days later. The movies aren't similar at all but without saying too much I see a similar point being made.

Someone hurry out and see this so we can discuss it....hurry hurry.Big Grin

Saw last night. Loved Dog Soldiers so had to see this. Much more claustrophobic than The Cave. And the movie would have worked just as well with or without the "creatures." And that's because the scenery stole the show. I will be adding this DVD to my collection.


P.S. I can see by the ending how there may well be two conclusions, but at least a creature didn't pop out from the back seat in the ending I saw. Ah, I guess that would be a movie cliche, wouldn't it?
Jongleur   08-08-2006, 03:41 PM
I just saw "The Descent" yesterday, and it was certainly one of the creepiest movies to come out in a long while. Played well on some of the most common fears, claustrophobia, the dark, fear of heights. Oh, and the ghoulies that inhabit those secret places.

The creatures could have been done a bit better, especially considering how well the creatures worked out in "Dog Soldiers," I don't know how he could have gone so far wrong this time around. :confused:

The shocker at the beginning was far better (and far less predictable) than the shocker at the end :mad:
lovestigger68   08-08-2006, 06:45 PM
We saw the Decent on Sunday and loved it! I have been referencing 28 Days later as well. The camera work was very similar. 28 Days Later is one of my favorite horror movies because it was so well done as well as The Decent. Very smart move to put an all-woman cast. This is not a CHICK-FLICK.

Rose Murphy
jacobm   08-13-2006, 07:30 PM
HA! I saw The Descent and loved it! The claustrophobic feel to the movie was almost (not quite) as freaky as the creatures. The gore was not at all gratuitous, and the scares were fast and furious. I was a little annoyed at the creatures...I understood the hunt using radar thing, but wouldn't the light from the flashlights have sort of hurt their eyes? Also, since they lived in the underground without any temperture changes (I would guess) why couldn't they sense body heat? Just nitpicking.
ccosborne3   08-13-2006, 08:14 PM
I saw it yesterday and was a little dissapointed. Some of the reviews compared it to Aliens and Jaws and I walked in there expecting just a little too much. How is it possible for a horror film to have no bad reviews? The only complaint I have is that it was somewhat difficult to tell the characters apart. Definitley worth seeing.
MacEachaidh   08-14-2006, 10:00 AM
G'day all,
I'm new to these forums, but not to Repairman Jack. Wanted to say hi to all from Sydney, Australia.

Re "The Descent", the version showing in the US has a different ending from the original UK version. (I'm being careful not to do an unintentional spoiler here !) I know what the differences are, and honestly don't understand the US distributors (yes, it was their choice) cutting the ending the way they have -- but that's the way it goes, I guess.

Anyway, for those who haven't seen it already, I reckon "The Descent" is seriously worth catching.

Cheers to all !
The Mad American   08-14-2006, 11:44 AM
MacEachaidh Wrote:G'day all,
I'm new to these forums, but not to Repairman Jack. Wanted to say hi to all from Sydney, Australia.

Re "The Descent", the version showing in the US has a different ending from the original UK version. (I'm being careful not to do an unintentional spoiler here !) I know what the differences are, and honestly don't understand the US distributors (yes, it was their choice) cutting the ending the way they have -- but that's the way it goes, I guess.

Anyway, for those who haven't seen it already, I reckon "The Descent" is seriously worth catching.

Cheers to all !

Welcome to the board Mac. I have been hearing about the alternate ending and have been wondering what the difference is.

Could you share the ending with us for the non-US release? Just put some kind of spoiler alert in your post like I will do for the following comment.

Elaborating on my comparison to 28 days later.




At the end, the woman who lost her family, Beth I beleive. Becomes very close to the "monsters" in that she easily shifts to her killer instinct or whatever. At the end of 28 days later when the main character goes back to the military groups hide out to get the girls back he too becomes just like the "monsters" in the movie in that he just releases all his rage like one of them. Also the thumb in the eyes scene...oh yeah, how freaking pissed would you have to be and how far gone to do that? Maybe a comment on how we may think we as civilized people are far removed from being this way but it is closer then we think. I don't know just my rambling take on it.

"No other success can compensate for failure in the home." D.O. McKay

"Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
~ Red Buttons

Too literal? I'm sorry you feel I have a Literal Agenda!

MacEachaidh   08-15-2006, 10:38 AM
G'day TMA,

Here's the original UK ending for the movie. Click-and-drag over to read the following:

After Sarah has fronted Juno, fought with her, crippled her and left her to die at the hands of the Crawlers, she chances on a way out of the cave. She claws her way to the surface, bursting out into daylight. In terror, she runs back to the cars and drives desperately away, fleeing past the lake. Finally, overcome with exhaustion and emotion, she pulls the car to the side of the road, shaking and bleeding. With a great whoosh that shakes the car, a massive cargo truck zooms past, close and very fast. Sarah jumps in fright, vomits, then realises she's safe, leans back in her seat ... and Juno lunges at her, bloody and torn, from the passenger side of the vehicle.

That's where -- as I understand it -- the US version of the movie ends.

In the original, as Sarah recoils from Juno's attack in the car, she blinks and looks around ... and she's home, and there in front of her is her daughter, calling to her, and lighting the candles on the cake. Sarah reaches out her arms to her, feeling the love and family she thought she'd lost ...

... and the camera pulls back, to find Sarah still in the cave, on her knees and staring at open space in front of her. We see the flaming stick she used as a torch lying abandoned, still burning, on the ground, where Sarah now sees the birthday cake. She hasn't made it out of the cave at all. She's lost in a descent of her own, deep inside the cave of her own mind, all alone. As the torch gutters, the pitch black is closing in around her. And you know from the sounds that the Crawlers aren't very far away ...

And that's the end.

I can well understand folk saying the closing isn't as strong as the opening in the US version, but I think you'll agree the UK version has a serious kick. (I understand the UK ending will be included on the R1 DVD, but only as a separate extra, not grafted back into the movie.)

Anyhow, there it is, for what it's worth.

And now, I'm off to bed, to start reading "Hosts" for the first time.
Can't wait !! Cool

The Mad American   08-15-2006, 12:37 PM
MacEachaidh Wrote:G'day TMA,

Here's the original UK ending for t[COLOR=Black]he movie. Click-and-drag over to read the following:

Anyhow, there it is, for what it's worth.

And now, I'm off to bed, to start reading "Hosts" for the first time.
Can't wait !! Cool


Thanks for that. I actually like that ending better, much much darker and depressing but more fitting of the show I think.

Hmmm, only Gaelic I can think of is Pogue Mahone and Sholsa Na Nologue ( I am sure I butchered the latter but hey I had to spell it phoneticly) and I don't think either of those fit this occasion.

Big Grin

"No other success can compensate for failure in the home." D.O. McKay

"Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
~ Red Buttons

Too literal? I'm sorry you feel I have a Literal Agenda!

Evyled   08-25-2006, 11:20 AM
the original UK ending was much better to me as well. I saw the original UK version prior to seeing it in the theaters here in the states and to me they really should have kept this ending because it just fitted so well with the rest of the movie's themes.
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