Wapitikev Wrote:[SIZE="7"]...W...[/SIZE]
The Watchmen killed your parents! It wasn't me! I was framed!
All in one copy [def]: a collected trade paperback of original, separate comic book issues designed to flood the market with reprints of an existing, (sometimes) popular storyline, thereby earning the publishing company buckets more money and, simultaneously, completely devaluing the original copies painstakingly purchased and preserved by collectors. Comic collectors are rumoured not to be frond of "all in one copies." Can usually be found in the comic section of most chain-bookstores and virtually all comic book stores.
No dice, Wapitikev. If it was the Watchmen they wouldn't have left a calling card at all; they're too smart.
You, on the other hand . . .
. . . let's just say the net is closing in on you,
Cheers for the def. Was Watchmen released as seperate issues? I had always thought it was a
graphic novel, which was originally released as a single volume a la a novel, different from a
trade paperback which is a reprint of a series etc as you said. :confused:
Maybe we'll never know (until someone looks it up on wikipedia
