Sam Wrote:Wal-Mart carries them both on dvd and/or vhs. If they don't have them in stock, they will order them in for you.
nijimeijer Wrote:Someone mentioned Fatal Frame earlier in this thread (I think). Not a movie, but a recent terrifying experience. Any other gamers out there thinking of scary games? I know the Resident Evil games are more of a letdown in the scare genre; more like slasher/shock movies than anything else.
I know Eternal Darkness was freaky. And the upcoming Doom III looks very, very intense.
Personally, I still think the Thief games and the System Shock games are the pinnacle of creepiness in games. System Shock 2's zombie/cyborgs were quite unsettling.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Have you seen THE EXORCIST, Sam? I was 22 when that came out, and the night after I saw it I still slept with the light on, my loaded rifle by my bed, and a bottle of holy water within reach. (I was raised Catholic...not sure if it would have the same effect on hell-bound heathens.)
Hung By The Neck Til Dead Wrote:I was around 9 when I saw it with my mother. Took me years to not get scared when I saw split pea soup.
nijimeijer Wrote:Someone mentioned Fatal Frame earlier in this thread (I think). Not a movie, but a recent terrifying experience. Any other gamers out there thinking of scary games? I know the Resident Evil games are more of a letdown in the scare genre; more like slasher/shock movies than anything else.That was me that mentioned Fatal Frame.
I know Eternal Darkness was freaky. And the upcoming Doom III looks very, very intense.
Personally, I still think the Thief games and the System Shock games are the pinnacle of creepiness in games. System Shock 2's zombie/cyborgs were quite unsettling.
jimbow8 Wrote:That was me that mentioned Fatal Frame.
Apparently Silent Hill is pretty freaky also. I was recommended 1 and 2 (not 3 so much) and 4 is coming out soon. I downloaded a video of 4 and it is really disturbing. I can send it if you like - or I will try to post it later.
nijimeijer Wrote:Silent Hill is a creepy game, but with those games, it's more the story than the creepiness. The storylines are really good, and usually quite disturbing. They're more like Japanese horror films (about mood, setting, atmosphere) than Fatal Frame or the Resident Evil games.I had totally forgotten about Undying. I was interested when it came out but never bought it. Maybe I'll search around for a used copy.
There's a new PC game coming called F.E.A.R. that looks pretty nifty, though!
It still surprises me that more American devs don't go for the horror genre, considering the popularity of horror films (well, not at the box office, but in the direct to video sense). I would think it's easier to scare the pants off of someone playing a game than watching a movie; in a game, you're more invested.
Every play Clive Barker's Undying on the PC? Now THAT was a creepy ass game. Made me jump a few times (I may have squeaked at one point, as well).
jimbow8 Wrote:I had totally forgotten about Undying. I was interested when it came out but never bought it. Maybe I'll search around for a used copy.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Have you seen THE EXORCIST, Sam? I was 22 when that came out, and the night after I saw it I still slept with the light on, my loaded rifle by my bed, and a bottle of holy water within reach. (I was raised Catholic...not sure if it would have the same effect on hell-bound heathensI was a young kid when I first saw it, and didn't see it again until the special edition was released a while back. I don't remember having nightmares about it when I was a kid so I guess it didn't scare me too bad. Guess that makes me a hell-bound heathen, eh??.)