Paul R Wrote:I just love your memory. I always thought I had a bad one until I read about yours.
Forgetting reading books is one thing, but not remembering that you've already ordered The Little Beige Book? Jeez! Makes me proud of my memory! 
ROFL! I cannot explain the Beige Book episode!
Oddly enough, I can remember things that are important and require a detailed memory. For instance, I keep track of the academic titles of 1,067 faculty members in my department. You give me a name, and the chances are excellent I can tell you what title they hold. I can also still remember the titles of the 700 faculty members in my previous department which I left 4 years ago. I know the rules and regulations concerning academic advancement, and they are arcane and unbelievably convoluted, and I can quote them chapter and verse. Others consider those regulations to be like teflon, for most folks they don't stick.
But when it comes to plots of movies and books, that's way too much data to be storing, and there's no real need for it. So, I let it go quite willingly.
Yet, I've always excelled on any reading comprehension test that I've ever taken and probably would do well were I to take one now.
Go figure! As Dan Quayle once said when addressing the United Negro College Fund, "it's a terrible thing to loose your mind."