Sam Wrote:Yep, it was based on my boring lil' town. Keel liked the movie though most of the townsfolk felt otherwise. I think it was because the story focused on an outsider rather than the people who lived here. (No offense to Mr. Keel) I believe that Will Patton was the only cast member to even come to this town, and he stayed for a while meeting the people.
As for the igloos, they've been sealed shut since the clean up started. I'd been in them before and they had been cleaned out properly when the ammo was removed. I have heard that blasting caps were found occasionally in the past and the possiblity of tunnels to underground storages. Of course that may be just BS.
What went on there in the past that would result in this situation?
Quote:BTW, Ken...thanks for the heads up on that crystal business. Even if it was brand new dynamite, I wouldn't go near it anyway. Are the crystals nitro?? I know nothing of explosive's ingredients but always heard that old dynamite would sweat nitroglycerin. Or is that just BS?? :confused:
Brand new dynamite is no problem. It takes a blasting cap to set it off. AS I recall, you can even hammer it without problem. Ditching dynamite is a little different, you can detonate it by shooting it with a gun. Some folks buy ditching dynamite for exactly that purpose . . . target practise. (Of course you wouldn't want to use it at an indoor range.

I'm not sure how dynamite is made these days, but years ago it was formed from baked saw dust -- or something like it -- lightly soaked with nitroglycerine, and packed in a cardboard tube. If it was left to sit for a few years it would sweat nitro. From what my dad told me, the nitro would seep down through the sawdust and collect at the lowest area, eventually seeping through the tube. At this point it becomes fairly unstable. After more years go by, it seems that there is some kind of chemical change and what seeps out of the tube crystalizes. At this point it's
EXTREMELY unstable. Coincidentally, I was talking about this with a friend a couple hours ago. (We were working on the frame for his Stearman Bi-Plane.) Roger told me he saw something on TV recently where some cops had served a warrent and were searching a guys house for some kind of evidence. One of the cops opened the guys fridge and saw crystalized dynamite in it!
Yeah! In the fridge! In some morons house! Recognizing what it was, the cop v-e-r-r-r-r-y c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y closed the refrigerator door and notified the bomb-squad. The bomb squad did the safest and most sensible thing. They evacuated the area and blew it up where it stood. Now, as I understand it, the guy is suing them for blowing up his house.
Ken V.