No, I'm not talking politics! I'm talking about the 10% of the population who are dominated by the right hemisphere of their brains (i.e., those who are in their right minds!).
Many famous and infamous people are "southpaws," besides Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stalone), including our current and recent past presidents, Marilyn Monroe, and many more.
Aside from being a minority oppressed by the right-handed majority, lefties have been subjected to discriminatory propaganda throughout history and in several languages. For example, in French, the word for left is synonymous with "clumsy" (i.e., gauche), while the Latin word for right (dexter) is the root for the word "dextrous," which is synonynmous with agile and skilled.
I firmly believe the source of this anti-lefty propaganda stems from the Latin and that results from an ancient battle between Romans and Israelites. The Israelites fielded an army of 400 picked left-handed soldiers who routed and massacred two Roman legions. The Romans (all right-handed), were used to having their shield facing their enemy's sword, but found themselves open to attack when facing a left-hander! Following this battle, the Latin word for left ("sinister") took on added significance!
I applaud my left-handedness and I accept all my fellow lefties as brother and sisters: "We few, we happy few, we band of southpaws!" Any on the RJ board fellow southpaws?
Let righties beware! When you shake hands with a lefty, your strongest hand is down and our sinister left can go whup upside yo' head at any moment!