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Dave   07-20-2011, 01:39 PM
New trailer has appeared online:


What are everyones thoughts on this? Too soon for a reboot? Actor is British = good? (odd how all the American super heroes are being played by non Americans these days...).

I'm liking the trailer, it looks more like the Spider-man I wanted first time around. As much as I like the Raimi version, it seemed to stick too closely to the source material, it already felt like a retread. This feels like it's bringing a bit more to the party, and I want it to remain in high school for a while, Raimi couldn't wait to get out of high school, which is odd for a story about a school kid with superpowers.

And Andrew Garfield is a terrific actor, both Social Network and Never Let Me Go were spot on performances, and very different. Also Emma Stone, terrific casting.

I'm quietly optimistic about it.
Alvin Fox   07-20-2011, 02:18 PM
I don't like that they're going back to non-organic webbing.

Sure, in the comicbooks there was always the sense of drama that the web fluid will run out, but I just liked organic webbing better.
cobalt   07-20-2011, 02:24 PM
That trailer was awesome.

The Mad American   07-20-2011, 03:14 PM
I don't know. I am a little turned off that they are doing the origin story again. Raimi's first one wasn't bad and the second was okay, the third was total garbage. So the series definitely needed a reboot I am just not sold on going back to the start again.

Unless it approaches it like the Dark Knight reboot of the Batman franchise and the origin story is a small part of the movie, that could be good.

I will still see this movie and it looks good other than the above mentioned concerns. The Amazing Spider-Man was always one of my favorite titles as a kid when I collected comics.

"No other success can compensate for failure in the home." D.O. McKay

"Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
~ Red Buttons

Too literal? I'm sorry you feel I have a Literal Agenda!

Lisa   07-20-2011, 03:25 PM
The CGI looks a tad regrettable, but as long as the movie doesn't totally suck, I'm in.
Tony H   07-20-2011, 03:32 PM
Lisa Wrote:The CGI looks a tad regrettable, but as long as the movie doesn't totally suck, I'm in.

They haven't even finished principle photography so I am sure the CGI is just a rough cut that will be tidied up. In fact, a lot of the swinging and jumping in the film isn't going to be CGI based upon some set visit video shoots and still photos.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
Fenian1916   07-20-2011, 04:12 PM
It has potential, really looking forward to The Avengers movie

[SIZE=2]"There are many things more horrible than bloodshed; and slavery is one of them."
Padraig Pearse[/SIZE]
Alvin Fox   07-20-2011, 04:31 PM
There's already a leaked trailer for The Avengers floating around. So when you go to see Captain America stick around for the after credits scene.
Dave   07-21-2011, 06:16 AM
AlvinFox Wrote:I don't like that they're going back to non-organic webbing.

Sure, in the comicbooks there was always the sense of drama that the web fluid will run out, but I just liked organic webbing better.
Peter Parker the science genius was always second fiddle to Peter Parker the whiney hero in Raimi's version. I'm hoping the return to the Parker designed web shooters suggest the science will win out again.

The Mad American Wrote:I don't know. I am a little turned off that they are doing the origin story again. Raimi's first one wasn't bad and the second was okay, the third was total garbage. So the series definitely needed a reboot I am just not sold on going back to the start again.

Unless it approaches it like the Dark Knight reboot of the Batman franchise and the origin story is a small part of the movie, that could be good.
Agreed. I hope the story centres on his parents fate more than the angst of being a superhero, and please leave the wrestling alone, if they must have uncle ben die, let it be something more fundamental than a mugging (which although true to the comic was always a bit lame IMO).

The first person swing-fest has a few people moaning on other forums, but I reckon this is a trailer special only, I couldn't see it fitting into the actual movie.
PicardRex   07-21-2011, 11:38 AM
I hate the fact that they are rebooting it. Reboots/remakes/reinventions are whats wrong with comics and by extension comic book movies. You can't have growth and development if you have to start over at the beginning every few years. Events lose their signifigance after so many retellings. Think about how compelling RJ would be if every 3 or 4 books FPW went back and started over, effectively erasing all the work done up to that point. As much as I hated Spiderman 3 and would love to ignore it, learn from that POS and make a better one, without erasing everything they established thus far.

Criticism based on the trailer, aside from the crappy CGI and the lame videogame like first person mode, it doesn't look too bad, looks like it might actually bring some pathos and seriousness to the movie.
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