jimbow8 Wrote:I love Canadians. My sister lives in Canadia (sic) with her family, and if Bush gets re-elected, maybe I'll join her there.
Biggles Wrote:Now Jim. It's not nice to kid our northern neighbors aboat their pronunciation.
Biggles Wrote:What a coinkydink! If JFK2 (the first French president) were elected, I'd be tempted to leave the country too, but as much as I love Canada and Canadians, I would have to find a free country somewhere (if there is one). Someplace where my guns would also be welcome. Do you think Switzerland would take me?
iambear Wrote:oh geez eh..... after watching the Leafs win tonightand reading your repleys, I got a craving for Bacon and beer.... beer tonight and bacon tomorrow ..... ... but I got to go to the beer stoor frist
Ken Valentine Wrote:Switzerland? Probably not. In fact, now that they are part of the EU, it seems that they are becoming like the rest of Socialist Europe . . . at least they are beginning to as far as guns are concerned.At least President Bush isn't trying to disarm you and me. What do you think a Massachusetts liberal will do?
I find the prospect of having a president Kerry just as chilling as another four years of Bush.
Ken V.