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swandy   10-21-2010, 12:46 AM
Pretty sure it was The Keep that first introduced me to Mr. Wilson's writing and have not stopped yet.
Only non-reads are DNA Wars, Mirage, Artifact and Nightkill.
And just got Draculas, but that is on my "will get to it eventually" list.
Throndorin   10-21-2010, 09:46 AM

my first book was The Tomb, I read many books if I found time. A friend lend me The Tomb and Legacies and after that I go to the next store and buy these and all other from Repaiman Jack (ist called Handyman Jack in German) which are available in german at that point of time.

I have read some other books from him (Deep as the Marrow and The Foundation), which are also great books.

Zombie Joe   10-21-2010, 07:33 PM
Well First off, I need to say that Im always looking for a good book.I usually read pieces from several a Day. Since I was a kid loved strange storys and have always enjoyed H.P. Lovecraft. I started the Penderghast Series By Douglas Preston and Lincolin Child. Then finnished Two Books by Mark Frost. "The List of Seven, And The 6 messiahs". After a while though I wanted to go to the source of these great characters. They all took qualities from Sherlock Holmes. Then I was introduced to a really obscure writer Algenon Blackwood, his book "The Empty House" delt with a psychic paranormal investigator. I had had a dry spell after that. While looking for a new book to start I found "Bloodlines" The first paragraph cought me. When Gia is having a bad dream about her and her daughter being hit by a car. It caught me, I was hooked, but the way I do things is when I read a author I always try to start at the beginning. So before Reading any more I ordered "The Tomb" I was impressed and continue to be so. Im all caught up now. Just waiting for "Fatal Error"
Grimjack   10-24-2010, 03:26 AM
Quite a few people (who have read Reprisal) have mentioned it before and I had to add in my two cents worth. Off topic, why is it a penny for your thoughts - but everyone wants to put their two cents in? Someone is making a penny. This should be looked into. Ok, back to the important stuff.

Back when Reprisal came out I was stationed in Australia. It was about 2am, I was sitting in my living room just starting the book, the only light on in the entire apartment was a small lamp next to the chair.

[SPOILER]I was just about done with the first 'telephone' occurance in the book when the phone next to my chair started ringing. Startled so badly, I nearly threw the book across the room, because it 'seemed' like that phone rang a little too 'long'.[/SPOILER] Once I composed myself, and noticed there was an actual 'pause', I tentatively answered the phone to find out it was my family back in the States. They had forgotten about the time difference.

Now it is exceedingly funny - then - scared the $#%@ out of me, hahaha.

There are two words in the English language which start with 'f' and end with '...u...c...k...' - one of them is firetruck.
somevelvetmorning   10-26-2010, 02:54 AM
"the tomb". i heard about it from gardner goldsmith, a very cool libertarian talk show host. i had also heard about in a few libertarian type websites here and there. i thought it was a great story, but it turns out i read the original version so i was very confused when there were suddenly cell phones and the internet in the next book and jack hadn't aged. that's when i did a little more research and learned about the secret history. about 3 months later, i had read all of the jack books that were out (up until ground zero), all of the adversary cycle (except nightworld, because i'm trying to have enough willpower to wait until the revised edition is released), and black wind. i had tried to take a break and read something else for awhile, which led to me reading nothing, and recently i've started reading more f paul wilson novels. i sort of weird myself out with how much i'm into the whole secret history story. i can't get enough!
sparkle206   11-06-2010, 12:31 AM
All The Rage was my first - lent to me by a friend. Admittedly, I thought it was just ok, and put it on the shelf. A year later, the friend gave me The Tomb and Legacies. I devoured them, begged for more, and read ALL of the Repairman Jacks, up to Ground Zero, with no break. That's what? 12 books? It was like a sickness. I couldn't stop. I in turn shared my addiction with two friends, and they caught the bug. Rotating all of the books while 3 people read them was a little tricky, but it worked out.

If someone asked me what it was pulled me in to the story, I really couldn't express myself adequately! I can't explain it! But I will say that maybe only Clive Barker could write a series that I would enjoy as much. (Both The Great & Secret Show and Imajica sets were awesome!!!! Really wish there were more!)
Luana   11-10-2010, 09:15 AM
For me it began four years ago as I strolled into a bookstore to find something to read. I didn't really have anybody or anything specific in mind. As I began to scan the titles on the backs of the books neatly stacked on the shelves, I saw The Haunted Air. I had no idea who FPW was, but I dived right in. I loved the prose, loved the way the RJ character was built, enjoyed the story, and slowly got hooked to the series. My favorite book of the Adversary series is Harbingers. I've read almost everything FPW has written so far.

The Man of Fhinntmanchca   11-14-2010, 10:07 PM
Although I saw the Keep movie on cable way back when, I wasn't really exposed to FPW's writing, sadly, til about 1995 when I picked up the paperback of Conspiracies. Yes, Stephen King's recommendation, sight unseen, caused me to take a chance. Then I followed up with All the Rage. I started noticing his other books like Mirage and Masque, a hardback of The Touch, and on and on I went....

I tilt at windmills, you tilt at windmills, we tilt at windmills together.

quixotic - Caught up in the romance of noble deeds or unreachable ideals; romantic without regard to practicality.
The "Other" Otherness   11-15-2010, 03:19 PM
For me, I'd passed the new release tables and stands in Barnes and Noble for years, and saw the name "F. Paul Wilson" and thought hmmm...the guy that wrote that movie The Keep, right? Finally one day in a grocery store, relegated to the book section whilst my wife was shopping, I stumbled on Crisscross, again by that guy. With the time on my hands and nothing on the shelf to read at home, I read the back and was hooked through the jaw. Fortunately, in the same section of that Kroger's they also had the $4.99 Tomb, Keep, and All the Rage. Started The Tomb, and it just evaporated in my hands. Went on an ebay binge and had all the HC's thru Crisscross within a month. I've hooked loads of people in the interim, and I've never looked back.

The "Other" Otherness - more of a curmudgeon than inimical when you get right down to it, and definitely less Adversarial.
Wishbone   01-04-2011, 11:58 PM
My first FPW book was Midnight Mass. I was in Nashville International and in need of a read. Midnight Mass caught my eye while browsing the horror section, so I picked it up and read the back. I learned that it was about vampires taking over my former home state of New Jersey and quickly double checked to make sure i wasn't accidentally in the non-fiction section. Then I read the author's note and was sold.

You see, when I read Salem's Lot, I came away feeling bad for Father Callahan. He was so close to victory and yet failed. So I started dreaming up a character that would avenge Father Callahan's loss. But as it turned out, an author named F. Paul Wilson had already done it beautifully. I came away from that thinking that this guy F. Paul Wilson can WRITE! And iv'e been hooked ever since.

On a side note, I was reading it on a break at work one day and was at the part where they are at the Blue Claws stadium and a co worker came up to me and asked what I was reading. I looked up and he had a Blue Claws hat on.
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