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Ken Valentine   07-29-2008, 01:41 AM
KRW Wrote:Have you read them Ken? If you could picture Mike as Odd, it might explain a few things.Big Grin
No, I only read a review. These days, a major part of my reading is in keeping up with what's going on with the economy -- and prepping match target rifle brass. Both of which I can do in an air-conditioned environment. Big Grin

Ken V.
colburn0004   07-29-2008, 12:45 PM
Legion Wrote:Are the books any good? Always afraid to read them due to the hype. his stuff as of late has sucked. I'm pissed off he STILL hasn't finished the Chris Snow novels.

That's my thaughts exactly these books are coming from a man who said he never wanted to make a continuation or a sequel to his books, then he starts a series never ends it and just moves on to another. But anyways The Odd books are pretty good I stopped reading koontz for a while he got repetative and his new stuff wasnt as good as his old stuff. But odd thomas and one or two others have been pretty good lately. The first and third odd books beat the 2nd and fourth in my book. The 2nd just seemed kinda random and boring and I ended up walking away from it for a while and coming back to finish it before I started the 3rd.

"Sanity? Worthless things like that, I never had them for as long as I can remember!"
Maggers   07-29-2008, 01:47 PM
KRW Wrote:Can you explain Mike any better than Koontz did?

Yes I can, but I wouldn't post it publicly. Mike and Odd are not alike, not in my mind, not at all.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

beowulf   07-30-2008, 09:42 PM
I actually didn't like the books at first, the first person style drove me nuts. But the story was compelling and I liked Odd, plus Koontz pulled off a pretty good twist.

I could see the lead on "Psych" as Odd...not sure why, just seems like a good fit. Who ever it is he has to be young and slightly comical..

I guess the movie will be self narrated, a la Ferris Beuller.

I'm in the middle of the third book right now, having trouble finishing it.

"Fate has me highly skilled and loaded with talent."
Legion   07-30-2008, 09:52 PM
KRW Wrote:I've never read the Chris Snow novels. I was a Koontz fan back in the day when he wrote Watchers, Lightning, Twilight Eyes, and Coldfire.

If you were reading back then you will love these. First its Fear Nothing, then Seize the Night. Guys got xeroderma pigmentosum, a disease where he cant be in light of any kind. while roaming the town at night he finds some wierd things going on, then his dad dies ( not a spoiler) and he finds out these weird things may have something to do with him.

READ THEM. They are what made me pick up writing again years back.

[Image: hope.jpg]

Guns Don't Kill People, ATF Agents Do!
cobalt   07-30-2008, 10:52 PM
I like the Odd series and have read them all. Much better than some of Koontz's other later fare. Now if he would just finish his Frankenstein series...I wanna see what turn that will take.

ccosborne3   07-30-2008, 11:27 PM
cobalt79 Wrote:I like the Odd series and have read them all. Much better than some of Koontz's other later fare. Now if he would just finish his Frankenstein series...I wanna see what turn that will take.

The Frankenstein series was pretty good. Everything else he's written since Intensity has been just awful. The guy has all the skill in the world but consistently falls into a a cutesy, wannabe witty, repartee dialog pattern that makes me want to punch him in he face. I consider him a literary coward.
KRW   07-30-2008, 11:30 PM
Legion Wrote:If you were reading back then you will love these. First its Fear Nothing, then Seize the Night. Guys got xeroderma pigmentosum, a disease where he cant be in light of any kind. while roaming the town at night he finds some wierd things going on, then his dad dies ( not a spoiler) and he finds out these weird things may have something to do with him.

READ THEM. They are what made me pick up writing again years back.

When I get low on reading material, I'll give it a try. ( I do want Koontz to be good again) It's odd though, Koontz had a premise like this with, I want to say "Hideaway". (Not exactly, but similiar) Can I take a wild gueuss here? Someone in this book is either a writer, an artist, a cop, or an exspeciel forces dude?
KRW   07-30-2008, 11:37 PM
Maggers Wrote:Yes I can, but I wouldn't post it publicly. Mike and Odd are not alike, not in my mind, not at all.

Hea, Hea! For me it is the odd perspective Odd has on life which truly seems to be his own, hence my connection with Mike. But if you would rather I might start picturing Tom Cruise in the role. Lord knows he has an perspective................. :out:
Legion   07-31-2008, 12:18 AM
KRW Wrote:When I get low on reading material, I'll give it a try. ( I do want Koontz to be good again) It's odd though, Koontz had a premise like this with, I want to say "Hideaway". (Not exactly, but similiar) Can I take a wild gueuss here? Someone in this book is either a writer, an artist, a cop, or an exspeciel forces dude?

Surprisingly not. The closest is an ex-NFL star who talks to animals. Most of the main characters are surfers, actually. Koontz oddly enough insists that they are real people he is writing about. If so the world is in trouble.

Speaking of convenient characters, Dark Rivers of the Heart and The Face both had cops, black ops, etc type guys as characters but still turned out to be amazing. I was surprised. In fact I think of the stuff of his that I have read, those two are some of the best work ( and some of last good work) he has done.

[Image: hope.jpg]

Guns Don't Kill People, ATF Agents Do!
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