GeraldRice Wrote:From one of the minds that brought you "The Blair Witch Project" this movie has "surprise twist ending" written all over it. It's not bad acted, or directed or written, it just *isn't* what it wanted to be. [SPOILER]For the ending to have the punch Daniel Myrick wanted it to, let's just say he should have made it before Frailty.[/SPOILER] Trust me, in the first ten minutes you will know exactly how the movie will end.
My other complaint is what exactly is this movie trying to be? It's not horror as there's nothing horrific in it. The "bad guys" are generally nice, peace-loving people, a little inattentive, but accomodating and the head baddie has severe allergies and doesn't like contact with people. If they don't know they are bad, how am I supposed to know?
Well, Gerald, maybe the writer(s) and director were making a subtle post-phenomenonological existentialist point: the viewer pays the coin and enters the theater with the expectation of seeing some cool bad guys. When the characters onscreen turn out to be not-so-bad at all, he's disappointed.
So who's the real bad guy here?
(And Gerald, if =you= can sling some plausible happy-horseshit like the above, =please= share it with the gang!:xd:
