Maggers Wrote:However, I figured out the inevitable Shyamalan twist in "The Village" about 10 or 15 mintues into the film. I just knew what was happening. No one told me; I didn't read any spoilers; I just figured it out.
cyber-jack Wrote:I may have ranted a bit too much on this already...but I wasn't really referring to anything about the merits of the film itself, or the predictabilty of know there's going to be a twist, so when you see it, it's expected. With the Sixth Sense we were all off guard cause we didn't know what to expect from we do.I saw all sorts of symbolism, political and otherwise (though I don't remember specifics because it has been so long). These symbols didn't detract from the movie at all for me. Art (movies) is what you see in it. Sometimes preconceived ideas detract from a movie, sometimes they add to a movie. It all depends.
I was more put off by the insinuations that this film (and apparantly a growing number of others) had all sorts of hidden agendas and messages, than any criticism of the film itself. For the record its not my favorite Shyamalan film, but it was much more enjoyable to watch without all the media-biased hype. I wish I had gotten to see Sixth Sense with that same lack of overexposure...
jimbow8 Wrote:I saw all sorts of symbolism, political and otherwise (though I don't remember specifics because it has been so long). These symbols didn't detract from the movie at all for me. Art (movies) is what you see in it. Sometimes preconceived ideas detract from a movie, sometimes they add to a movie. It all depends.
Maggers Wrote:My dearest friend refuses to know anything about a film before she sees it. Nothing. Not the plot, not reviews. She barely wants to hear who stars in it or who directs it, but that's sort of unavoidable.
She comes to the movie with a clean slate and is not biased by anything.
She may be on to something.
I will say that she sees a fair amounts of bombs this way, but she also gets a completely unique experience of the movie.
cyber-jack Wrote:I finally got to see this movie after months of avoiding any discussions, reviews, opinions, etc...I didn't even watch any trailers for this thing.
I was able to watch this with no preconceptions of the storyline or media-bias which is the best way to see a film, and the payoff was well worth it. I enjoyed every minute of it.
After reading through this thread and talking to others about political tie-ins and some other rediculous notions related to this movie and the film industry in general, I have to shake my head in disgust...My God people, its an effing movie!
Symbolism does not necessarily occur in every tale (film or otherwise) and to overanalyze every minute detail robs you of your enjoyment of the story. If you look for these types of tie-ins, you will find them, conspiracy theories are filled with loose tie-ins and circumstance, but folks, sometimes a story is just a story, not an allegory for GWB's monarchy or a hidden code to unlock the secrets of stonehenge...
So the next time you drop your $8 on a movie, relax, enjoy yourself, get extra butter on your popcorn...
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:President Bush is a =monarch=, Cyber-Jack? Dear me. I had no clue. If I'd known that, I wouldn't have bothered voting for him. Where's the NEW YORK TIMES when you really need it? :mad:Too late! You should've been reading it before the election.
jimbow8 Wrote:Too late! You should've been reading it before the election.:p
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:President Bush is a =monarch=, Cyber-Jack? Dear me. I had no clue. If I'd known that, I wouldn't have bothered voting for him. Where's the NEW YORK TIMES when you really need it? :mad: