mike36799 Wrote:Okay... Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, and Jack Nicholson. That was enough to get me to the movies this week, and check out this movie. If you like the mob movies then you will love this. Honestly, I would recommend this movie to everyone, it is very clever, and well thought through. If I were to compare it to anything I would say similiar to the bizaarness of FightClub, but this movie is a lot easier to follow.
mike36799 Wrote:Okay... Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, and Jack Nicholson. That was enough to get me to the movies this week, and check out this movie. If you like the mob movies then you will love this. Honestly, I would recommend this movie to everyone, it is very clever, and well thought through. If I were to compare it to anything I would say similiar to the bizaarness of FightClub, but this movie is a lot easier to follow.