Noelie Wrote:Studio 60 is my favorite thing on TV. Followed by House, Nip/Tuck, and the British series Afterlife. Also Dexter, but that's a cable series so I'm not sure it counts on this list. 
Dexter was absolutely great, especially the early episodes where he was explaining how difficult it was to "act" normal. I actually ordered the book (written in 2001) because I liked that show so much.
Only partially in order...
1) 24 (best show on television)
2) NCIS (character interplay, including Illya Kuriaken)
3) Dexter (didn't think I would like it, but it stuck)
4) Heroes (it took awhile, but it grew on me)
5) Surface (I don't know why, but I liked it)
6) The Closer (Thank youuuuu!)
7) CSI: Miami (I like bright colors)
8) Lost (hated it at first, too - but it grew on me)
9) Battlestar Galactica (I gotta have a Sci Fi show in here)
10) Bones (once again, the character interplay).
I will probably want to amend the list later. I used to like Alias, House, the Shield, and some others -- but they kind of went downhill in the most recent episodes.