ccosborne3 Wrote:Sorry, Lon. It's just you.
Welcome to the board, weirdo! 
Yup Lon, it's just you...
...AND ME!!
I do this too. Not always (like right now I've "slipped" several weeks in a row while reading
The Tomb), and I don't necessarily
wait until the day the book starts in order to start it (when
Harbingers came out, I got it on...well, I forget which day it starts and am too lazy to go check, but I remember starting to read it several days before the day it starts, and I just kept reading that "day" until the day of the week came and went. If it started on a Thursday, and I had gotten the book on a Monday, I kept reading "Thursday" until Friday morning. Then Friday, Saturday, etc.
So don't worry, Lon. I like to get the "feel" of the book also.