jimbow8 Wrote:You saw the Covenant? I'm sorry; I hear that sucked. Did it?
It was alright, but the good thing about the theater here is that the movies are free so I didn't waste any money on it. Overall it was okay, but the ending was a little bland. It seemed like a movie that was directed more at teenagers then anything else. On a side note on IMDB a lot of people were complaining about it; saying it gave Wiccans and Pagans a bad name. IMO, it didn't do any of that. It didn't even really touch the aspect of religions at all. I kept getting the kids confused because they all seem to look a like to me. Same hair styles, same voice tones...maybe I'm just getting old.
Quote:I didn't realize that you were from Chicago. Give a holla when you get back. I'll buy you one of those Darmstadter Exports (was that it?).
Yeah I'm from Elmhurst. Went to York. Darmstadter Exports are a type of beer from where I'm stationed in Germany. (Darmstadt, Germany) I don't know if you've ever been, but a lot of towns in Germany have their own breweries. I work in Darmstadt, but live in Pfungstadt which also has its own brewery, but I don't like their beer...too bitter. Darmstadter makes a bunch of different kinds...pils, radler, hiefewiezen, export, etc. The heife and the export are my favs.
Quote:I'm actually far West of Chicago (Woodstock) but I get in there every once in a while.

When I was in high school my brother got arrested in Woodstock while camping! Had some less then legal substances on him!! Idiot. I've never been myself.
I may be back in there area in Feb/March time frame! I'll let you know! No Darmstadter Exports, but we can figure something out!
Ok...back on topic...again...(I'm pretty good at this hijacking threads thing)