peachynat Wrote:Okay, I just started reading Infernal..... I am so upset!!I cannot believe Jack's dad is dead!! Did this bother anyone else as much as it did me?
Scott Miller Wrote:It certainly did. If you scroll down in this forum you will see an entire thread dedicated to Infernal and it is mentioned several times. I wouldn't investigate the thread a whole lot until after I finished the book though as there are many spoilers.
Scott Miller Wrote:It certainly did. If you scroll down in this forum you will see an entire thread dedicated to Infernal and it is mentioned several times. I wouldn't investigate the thread a whole lot until after I finished the book though as there are many spoilers.
peachynat Wrote:Okay, I just started reading Infernal..... I am so upset!!I cannot believe Jack's dad is dead!! Did this bother anyone else as much as it did me?
KRW Wrote:I won't post to much, I don't know how much you read and I wouldn't want to give anything away, but that was an unbeilevable scene! I read it once, saif, WTF, and read it again. I should have believed my eyes the first time because it didn't change. The funny thing for me was, I kept expecting Jack to show up and save the day. He had just left! Must be another FPW dogeball upside the head.But, this part of the story sets the tone for the book.
Medusa Wrote:I just finished Infernal. All I can say is WOW! That was great! How soon til Harbingers? I went too long between Crisscross and Infernal.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Peachynat, Jack's father's last effort was to counterattack. What we know a former Marine would do. Just as his son--"conscripted" or not, fights the Otherness. Us Yankees have a saying: "An apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Bet y'all proud Southrens have an old saying--a simple truth--just like it.Yeh. We do. I cant remember what it is though. Its something like "The rust does'nt move far from the truck in the front yard", or something like that.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Peachynat, Jack's father's last effort was to counterattack. What we know a former Marine would do. Just as his son--"conscripted" or not, fights the Otherness. Us Yankees have a saying: "An apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Bet y'all proud Southrens have an old saying--a simple truth--just like it.